View Full Version : Kingsnake substrate

04-21-10, 10:40 AM
Hi, i just have a quick question, what is the best substrate to keep kingsnakes on in your opinion?

04-22-10, 06:08 AM
Over the years I've used Newspaper, Repti-Carpet, Kitchen Roll and Aspen. Although I find Aspen the most practical in my opinion. It soaks up the bad bits and the tennents like to use the substrate as a hide, tunneling through underneith. Only drawbacks are, it gets bloody everywhere.


04-22-10, 07:36 AM
Most any of the soft substrates are good.

Aspen is ecinomical, and even though it get's everywhere it vacuums up real easy.

"Carefresh" is nice, and stylish too.


04-22-10, 08:31 AM
The only thing I don't like about Carefresh is it smells absolutely horrible as soon as they pee in it, and then the whole room stinks. I had my rats on Carefresh and a few snakes as well, but I couldn't stand it, so I went back to aspen. They also tend to swallow a lot of the Carefresh as it sticks to food items.

04-22-10, 08:32 AM
I do spot-clean every time I see waste or smell it and I completely change out cages once a month or more as needed for my pythons, twice a month for colubrids, because they tend to go a lot more, but the Carefresh had to be completely changed every single time it was messed on, because it just smelled awful, so I was completely changing out cages like twice a week, and it sucked. But that's just my 2 cents on it.

04-22-10, 08:39 AM
The only thing I don't like about Carefresh is it smells absolutely horrible as soon as they pee in it, and then the whole room stinks. I had my rats on Carefresh and a few snakes as well, but I couldn't stand it, so I went back to aspen. They also tend to swallow a lot of the Carefresh as it sticks to food items.

I never feed my snakes in the cage ;)

I have seen snakes ingest aspen, coconut & carefresh... So I find it a lot safer to feed them in an empty tote box. by hand or even on the floor.

04-22-10, 11:14 AM
the only kingsanake (my youngest son got bored and the wee guy dont fit into my plans) i have is sold to be picked up tomorrow.he loves his aspen.he makes loads of wee tunnels everywhere,then pops his head out them.its like he plays hide and seek,haha.i dont spend the time on him he deserves,so i'm glad to say he's going to a great new home as the girls pet.he's a great wee charecter,never bit,musked,etc.sorry i'm way off track here.so my vote would be for aspen.
cheers shaun

04-22-10, 01:01 PM
Alright thank you. So you think the best option would be to use aspen rather then newspaper? Also how thick should the aspen be? 2 inches deep? Also if i went to aspen would you suggest me feeding in a different tank? Is it bad for them to ingest aspen?

Thanks! sorry for all the questions

04-22-10, 03:36 PM
Ingesting aspen can be fatal, The little slivers of wood can penetrate soft tissues and cause internal injuries.

04-22-10, 07:22 PM
i use either paper towel or repti-bark, i believe its orchid bark? mist it a little when he sheds and looks good for a naturalistic terrarium

04-22-10, 08:33 PM
Alright thank you...Do you think the snakes would eat if there not in there normal tank?

04-22-10, 09:08 PM
uh yes......



04-22-10, 09:21 PM
Thank you!

04-24-10, 04:58 PM
WOW what type of snake is in the second picture. she/he has awsome colors. and what is it eating lol it look kinda like chicken

04-24-10, 06:49 PM
WOW what type of snake is in the second picture. she/he has awsome colors. and what is it eating lol it look kinda like chicken

California Garter Snake, eating chopped up pinkie mouse.

05-03-10, 09:32 AM
i was told you should always feed them in a different container to where they live, so they dont expect food everytime you open their tank to take them out (so they dont mistake your hand as food....... Is this right???? we've always fed spanky in a different tub............

05-03-10, 09:43 AM
I don't feed mine in separate containers; I've found that removing them to feed leads them to learn that coming out means they will be fed and becoming nippy whenever they are put in a container other than the cage, no matter the reason.

05-03-10, 09:55 AM
what if we take him out every day anyway to handle him????

05-03-10, 09:56 AM
That should be fine, but I've found removing to feed isn't necessary. Also with the number of snakes I have, removing everyone to feed them would take hours and hours. We finally have it down to where we can feed everyone in about 30-40 minutes, provided they all eat willingly. It's an endeavor, but I do love watching them eat...so fascinating and they love it too, of course.

05-03-10, 10:08 AM
i can see how that would be a challenge............ lol, dont think we are ready to expand our mob just yet tho, when we think we have enough knowledge to add more to the brood maybe we'll try a carpet python ............. i really like the look of the diamond and jungle pythons, beautiful colours !!!!!!!!!!!!

05-04-10, 10:29 AM
I feed Nex (a mexican black king snake) in a seperate container and he i put into the container first and then fed. he gets a little nippy after he is done but he calms down quick and i have never been bit by him. he never strikes though when i get him out of his main cage. my old snake (a striped cal king) never struck at all even at her food ( i feed frozen). for a small collection i would feed in a seperate container or put the prey item on a plate or something in their cage so they can't ingest the bedding. snakes know their feeding schedule though. if i didn't put the mouse in first with my old snake she would not eat and now if i don't put nex in first he will not eat.

05-04-10, 11:43 AM
for a small collection i would feed in a seperate container or put the prey item on a plate or something in their cage so they can't ingest the bedding.

We feed ours live prey so on a plate isnt an option but we find feeding in a seperate container is good, he knows as soon as he's put in there whats comming........... cause it takes him about 4 sec (we timed it once) to have it curled up nice an tight...........
We were told not to feed in his enclosure so we never did............ we like putting him into the tub to feed anyway gives us a chance to watch, also makes for great photo oppotunities :))))

05-04-10, 03:05 PM
After losing a couple "higher end" (expensive) snakes to substrate ingestion, I feed most of my snakes in feed boxes exclusively.

06-27-10, 10:48 AM
I use coconut fibre, and I find it doesnt stick to even damp prey items as long as it's dry and clean - scoops well, no odor and cheap, too.

06-27-10, 11:20 AM
Have used Aspen but now use Repti-Bark as i have someone who can sell it to me wholesale which works out a hell of a lot cheaper - i keep a spare faunarium for feeding the smaller snakes in and a plastic tub for the bigger ones.