View Full Version : Transporting Snakes

04-17-10, 08:39 AM
I will shortly be picking up the Corn i am rehoming (in about a week) - the car journey will be around and hour or so and i am wondering what the best way to transport the snake is?

I am thinkning that leaving it in the Viv is not a good idea as it could get thrown araound and heaven forbid there is an accident it could escape.

My thinking is taking a pillowcase to put it in - what are you guys thoughts on the pros and cons fo this? Also in terms of heat what would be best??

Thank you for all your help.

04-17-10, 10:22 AM
i use pillow cases for most of my transportations.even on the long journeys from down south.if its more than one snake a pillow case each then put them in an appropriate sized cardboard box to keep them from getting moved around during the journey.your cars heaters will keep a decent heat going for the journey home mate.
cheers shaun

04-17-10, 11:03 AM
I second the pillow case... Tie the top shut good.

When I got my Pueblan from the pet shop the silly clerk put him in a box and taped it shut, The snake busted out of the box before I left the parking lot.

People who transport adult snakes often use what is called a "snake bag" that's just a pillow case with a draw string on top.

04-17-10, 02:59 PM
Pillowcase then placed in a stryofoam container. Also place crumpled newspapers in the container around the snake. This way it doesn't slide in the bag as well as it'll be pretty dark in there so it'll feel more secure.

04-17-10, 03:35 PM
I don`t like pillow cases unless it`s quite a large snake, not that I think it`s a terrible idea or anything, it is perfectly ok to do. I prefer, with smaller snakes such as Corns, to take (or purchase) a plastic grid top tank of the sort you`d use for seperate feeding of smaller snakes. Chuck a bit of greenery in it or screwed up newspaper and jobs a good `un. :) I just think that actually affords the snake a degree of protection whereas the pillow case offers none at all....

04-17-10, 03:39 PM
Pillowcase then placed in a stryofoam container. Also place crumpled newspapers in the container around the snake. This way it doesn't slide in the bag as well as it'll be pretty dark in there so it'll feel more secure.
Ever snake i've order online came shipped this way. In snake bags. This is IMO the best way.

04-17-10, 05:10 PM
We ahve been told she is 4foot long so think pilow case will be the way to go - thanks for the advice everyone!!

04-18-10, 07:48 AM
Yes, I would go with the pillowcase. Crumple up some newspaper and put it in the pillowcase to give her stuff to "hide" in and also some extra cushioning, and tie off the top. Put the pillowcase with snake in it inside a styrofoam cooler with some more crumpled up newspaper. Alternatively, if you have heated car seats, you could just set the pillowcase on your passenger seat and put the heated seat on. I've done this when bringing snakes back from shows, but you have to be very careful not to slam on your brakes so it doesn't slide off the seat. IMO, the styrofoam container with a heat pack would be much more secure.