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04-15-10, 08:39 AM
Victim hit in face with snake, Rock Hill man charged

By Kimberly **** - The Herald
A man “deathly afraid” of reptiles was attacked by a snake-wielding man using the six-foot long python as a weapon, police say.
Tony Smith, 29, of 1920 Corwin Drive, Rock Hill was charged with assault and battery after an altercation at the Executive Inn on North Anderson Road Tuesday night, according to a Rock Hill police report.
Smith is accused of hitting Jeffery Culp, 47, in the head with the snake on the balcony of the motel, police said.

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“I almost had a heart attack,” Culp said. “I dropped to my knees and actually crawled back into my room.”
Culp, who has been staying at the inn until his housing comes open, said he had contact with Smith and the snake earlier in his stay.
“He was out there running up and down the sidewalk with it,” Culp said. “I told him I don’t do snakes. I’m deathly afraid of them.”
But that didn’t stop Smith from tapping Culp on the shoulder and putting the python in his face, he said.
Culp said he asked the man with the snake to turn down music around 9 p.m. Smith was with others racing down the hallway in chairs, Culp said, and he had to work the next day.
A couple hours later, Culp went out for a smoke with his wife and a neighbor when he says Smith tapped him on the shoulder.
“And he said, ‘here look at this,’” Culp said. “He had the snake’s head squeezed so its mouth was open. He ran it across my face and it tried to crawl in my mouth.”
The snake grabbed him on the upper lip, and Culp has a few scratches from the encounter. Culp said he didn’t need medical treatment.
That night, Culp said he took a three-hour shower and couldn’t sleep.
Culp said animals shouldn’t be used to hurt or scare others.
“I have a dog. Some people are afraid of dogs,” he said. “I keep my dog away from them. I don’t use the dog as a weapon.”
Culp said he didn’t know Smith’s name until he saw the police report.
Based on Culp’s description, officers found Smith on the second-floor balcony of the inn with the python in his arms, the report said. He was arrested, and the snake was released to a family member.
Smith was released Wednesday afternoon on a $1,092 bond.

Read more: Victim hit in face with snake, Rock Hill man charged | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC (http://www.heraldonline.com/2010/04/15/2089567/victim-hit-in-face-with-snake.html#ixzz0lBD3vnGf)

04-15-10, 08:41 AM
God i hope the snake wasnt injured. i read this and my stomach turned.

04-15-10, 09:34 AM
as usual the only snake news they report is the bad stuff.its idiots like that guy who give all snake keepers an undeserved reputation.its always the drunk idiot who takes his snake to a shopping centre or out in the street that makes the head lines.you dont hear so much about people doing good things with snakes.same old story of good news dont sell newspapers its only the bad news most folk have a interest in.i hope this guy gets jailed and his cell mates a 6 & a half foot tall snake lover.with a bit of luck he'll swing this guy about by the ankles hitting things with him to give the idiot a sense of what it feels like.
sorry for the rant folks it just makes me so mad to hear of idiots like him.
cheers shaun

04-15-10, 09:45 AM
the guy unfortunately was released yesterday for a little over $1000! that does no justice for the victim...and the snake...which is probably back in this guy's hands. ugh.

04-15-10, 09:58 AM
i'm pretty sure over here the guys snake would have been confiscated,then given to a reptile centre or someone qualified to take charge of it.
cheers shaun

04-15-10, 10:10 AM
well im sorry to say, here in america we dont do all that. we'd just as be happy to give it to a family member...which is what they did.

04-15-10, 06:51 PM
Oh my God, that is awful- the poor snake was probably left with that guy too. What a jerk! People like that are the reason our hobby is under fire and just should not be allowed to have animals of any kind...period. Makes me sooo angry to hear stuff like this. What kind of ******* smacks other people with animals???!!!!!

04-21-10, 06:44 AM
My oldest daughter told me about a college party she was at once, a kid brought a corn snake to the party and was throwing it at people.

The snake was dead before the party was over.

04-21-10, 07:49 AM
Oh no! Poor corn snake;why would anyone do something so cruel? Someone should throw him around and he can see how he likes it! People make me sick!