View Full Version : I am seeing Rainbow's.
04-13-10, 04:51 PM
I got my new born
BRB today he in shed but here some pic i'll get more after he sheds. Also some pics of my friend Shawn's Columbian Rainbows he just got today.9067
04-13-10, 05:02 PM
Soooo beautiful!!
04-13-10, 05:17 PM
Some of Shawn male and female Columbians. Female pics 1 &3. Male pic 2.
04-13-10, 07:00 PM
Beautiful BRB and CRBs! They are such great snakes, and so very beautiful! Yours looks to be a young one; it's very fun to watch them grow. I can't wait to see pics of him after he sheds- looks to be getting ready. Hope you get one nice piece and you get to watch. :)
04-14-10, 06:09 AM
very nice mate,if thats him in shed i cant wait to see pic's after he's shed.beautifully marked little guy...!!
cheers shaun
04-15-10, 02:49 AM
Here's a few more of my BRB. Thinking about naming him Toto. LOL 9087
04-15-10, 03:03 AM
A few more of Shawn's CRB. 9095
Ooh yeeeah ! I love the way his saddles even out toward the head end ! He`s a real looker eh ! I`ve not seen one like the one above before either, different but lovely. :) I just can`t wait to see my big female giving birth to a tank full of these stunningly beautiful little babies !
04-15-10, 05:18 AM
Ooh yeeeah ! I love the way his saddles even out toward the head end ! He`s a real looker eh ! I`ve not seen one like the one above before either, different but lovely. :) I just can`t wait to see my big female giving birth to a tank full of these stunningly beautiful little babies !
That be better than Christmas.
Yeah I don`t think I`ll be able to contain myself lol :D
04-15-10, 12:06 PM
aww cute wittle babies.
04-15-10, 06:18 PM
Awwwww he is so cute! I love his colors!
04-15-10, 06:37 PM
He ate 2 F/T mices fuzzies today. 9147
04-15-10, 06:41 PM
Nice. It's always so satisfying when they take their first meals for us!
04-24-10, 07:43 PM
Well two days after he second meal he shed. So here's some pics.9221
04-25-10, 08:41 AM
Looking good Chuck- he has some very nice colors!
04-25-10, 11:18 AM
Thanks! His color real starting to pop. I think he going to be like my bredli carpet and just get sweeter looking ever shed. I think i am going to have to get a female next year. Then in a few year start breeding them.
04-25-10, 11:47 AM
Go for it! Just make sure to give them ample time to grow and mature before attempting breeding.
@marvelfreak : Nice little BRB and CRB !
introducing my little CRB too,was born on Dec,6th,2009.
here he is :
He's 6 months years old !
06-14-10, 04:15 AM
:Wow: bagus he's beautiful! :Wow:I love the color it lighter than on Shawn CRB. Some really sweet pictures. He looks like he smiling for the camara for you in the second pic. My BRB is as active as my carpets. Shawn says his CRB are alway climbing all over their cages from dusk to just before dawn. My BRB spend more time on it's hide than in it. Do you find yours to be really active? Hope to see some more pics soon. I think CRB are under rated they are some really cool snakes.
06-14-10, 04:44 AM
Is there much difference in husbandry, temperament and stuff between the CRB and BRB?
06-14-10, 05:04 AM
Is there much difference in husbandry, temperament and stuff between the CRB and BRB?
Not really just color and size. BRB get a little bigger around 8 feet and hold their color. CRB i believe top out around 6 feet and their color fades and become more of a soild color with age.
06-14-10, 07:05 AM
Thanks Chuck!! :) :) :)
Not really just color and size. BRB get a little bigger around 8 feet and hold their color. CRB i believe top out around 6 feet and their color fades and become more of a soild color with age.
That would be 95% correct. A 8ft BRB is a pretty good sized snake. They usually only get around 6ft
:Wow: bagus he's beautiful! :Wow:I love the color it lighter than on Shawn CRB. Some really sweet pictures. He looks like he smiling for the camara for you in the second pic. My BRB is as active as my carpets. Shawn says his CRB are alway climbing all over their cages from dusk to just before dawn. My BRB spend more time on it's hide than in it. Do you find yours to be really active? Hope to see some more pics soon. I think CRB are under rated they are some really cool snakes.
Ya..very active and he likes climbing too.
About CRB are under rated and really cool,I agree with you !!
06-14-10, 08:26 AM
your wee guys colours are really coming on chuck.he's going to be a cracking adult mate.
cheers shaun
06-14-10, 12:26 PM
Here's a couple new pics and a pic of a 8 foot female just days before giving birth. Biggest BRB i ever seen. Kmef07 is right BRB usually only get 6 to 7 feet. Making this one a monster. 9520
06-14-10, 01:26 PM
my BRB is by far my favorite, hes also the best mannered and the most entertaining when hes out, they love to explore dont they? :D
06-14-10, 05:58 PM
my BRB is by far my favorite, hes also the best mannered and the most entertaining when hes out, they love to explore dont they? :D Oh yes they do. Mine as actived as my carpets always popping his head out to have a look every time i come in the room.
06-16-10, 10:50 AM
wow! I love ur brb! :) now I want one! lol
06-16-10, 12:20 PM
Oh yes they do. Mine as actived as my carpets always popping his head out to have a look every time i come in the room.
lol they're nosey little guys eh? haha love them to death though!
06-16-10, 10:15 PM
Wow lovely brbs guys! I've had mine for about three weeks and she ate her first meal for me on June 14th. 1 f/t rat pup. I am so happy with her! Deffenitly my favorite! Love the colors and everything about my lil girl, and she's very well tempered, I have been bit more by my snow corn than my brb. So happy! Lol very nice looking to all who posted pics!
06-17-10, 10:37 AM
:)I say we make this a party. Anyone with any kind of Rainbows feel free to throw some pics of them up here. There seem to be more and more people getting rainbows, so lets show them off. I know Willow, Feebo, and EmseeKAY all have some big one. And there's a couple newbies with some. We're waiting. lol Can't wait to see them.:)
06-17-10, 10:39 AM
:( My dad wont let me get one.... But that doesn't mean I can't get one when I'm out of the house ;)
06-17-10, 12:05 PM
lol theyre quite small in relation to BCI's and in my opinion the prettiest of all snakes lol ill snap a few pics tonight and throw them up :D
Believe it or not this girl is about 4 feet long!!! it's crazy I have had her a year and she started out less than a foot long. She is in shed right now but i'm going to take a picture or two once she gets out of shed and post it on here.
06-17-10, 06:41 PM
what substrate do you have her on?
06-17-10, 07:45 PM
Kmef07 :Wow: Man she beautiful. :Wow: Some super sweet shot. I really like the 1st and 3rd one. Her color is amazing. Can't wait to see pics after she sheds.
06-17-10, 07:51 PM
man he looks sweet :)
[what substrate do you have her on?
I have her on compressed coco fiber. I got a huge bag of it for 15 dollars. I have a five gallon bucket I have enough for the rest of her life I think lol.
06-17-10, 08:27 PM
how do you find it holds humidity? and what type of enclosure do you have her in? just wondering because it looks a lot nicer then aspen to me lol
It holds humidity great. You soak it and it absorbs water like crazy. Below is a pic of the enclosure I built.
FULL SIZE SHOT 6foot by 4foot by 30inches deep
A better shot of the coco substrate.
06-17-10, 08:38 PM
Sweet set up. Did you make it yourself? If so awesome job.
Yep it was like a year and half off and on in the making. making it look a little like rock really was the time consuming part.
06-18-10, 06:00 PM
thats so sick! lol amazing, oh and i forgot to mention, i'll take some pics in a few days, he should be outta shed then and have a fresh suit on ;) lol
10-06-10, 06:19 PM
Here's some updated pics after a fresh shed. Love to see pics of everyone else rainbows.
This makes me want to get another one already. The markings stand out so much. You've got a beautiful Brb want one just like it!!
10-10-10, 11:59 PM
Thanks! He looks darker when i take pics inside. That why i love taking them outside the sunlight really makes their color and marking pop.
10-11-10, 01:10 AM
wow you can really see why they are called rainbow boas in some of these pics
12-20-10, 12:21 PM
Looking good, all three of them! Did you settle on a final name?
12-20-10, 05:53 PM
Looking good, all three of them! Did you settle on a final name?
I been think about Taste from the skittle commercials when they say Taste The Rainbow. My wife hates it. All my snake have names after Villains from Marvel Comics so i am thinking Omega Red or Red Skull. Can't decide any suggestion welcome.
red ink
12-20-10, 06:16 PM
Sweet BRBs marvel
12-20-10, 07:12 PM
I want a Rainbow so bad, but my GF wont let me bring any more snakes home, i only have 2......
12-21-10, 10:49 AM
I'm not sure many people would get the joke implied by "Taste." If you like the skittles theme, though, maybe name him after one of the flavors? 'Course, a comic name works great too...though Brazilians are better heroes than villains. ;-) Either way, looking good!
12-21-10, 02:43 PM
Oh well i'll think of something. Here's some new pic fresh out of a shed.
12-21-10, 02:54 PM
Biggest mouse he ever messed with.
Checking out kingsnake .com for single female for a mail order bride. lol
12-21-10, 02:58 PM
Wow, great photos! His orange is very nice. Unfortunately for him, I think all the potential dates on Kingsnake this time of year are underage. ;-)
12-21-10, 03:25 PM
Wow, great photos! His orange is very nice. Unfortunately for him, I think all the potential dates on Kingsnake this time of year are underage. ;-)
12-21-10, 03:30 PM
Wow, great photos! His orange is very nice. Unfortunately for him, I think all the potential dates on Kingsnake this time of year are underage. ;-)
It's ok i got him in April i don't think he even a year old yet himself.
12-21-10, 03:33 PM
neonate love ^_^
12-21-10, 04:31 PM
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