View Full Version : Constipated Uromastyx

04-08-10, 07:09 AM
I've had my Uro for about 8 years now and haven't had any problems. Lately I've noticed that he hasn't been pooping and his stomach looks really bloated. He's still eating & is alert but when he tries to poop he really struggles for about 5 min before giving up (poor guy!). I've given him some warm baths but still nothing.

I brought him to the vet and they did an xray and it appeared that he didn't have any foreign object in there but was really backed up & looked dehydrated. They gave him some fluids & an enema 2 days ago but still nothing. The other weird part is that he's only bloated on his left side & the x-ray showed his intestine only on his left side.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything would help!

04-14-10, 06:51 AM
I just wanted to let everyone know that I went to see a specialist and it turns out that he has bladder stones. The vet told me that this could be caused by dehydration & too much calcium in his diet since i mostly feed him dark green, leafy vegetables. He will be having surgery next week! (unfortunatley it's very costly! Ugh!)

04-14-10, 07:14 AM
wow thats serious. good luck and let us know what happens.