View Full Version : snake escapes

04-05-10, 10:16 PM
where is the weirdest place you have found a loose snake?

my brother had a loose ball python at his house. it was out for a couple weeks and they couldnt find her. i barrowed a shop vac from his house, drove it accross town, when i used the shop vac the motor was boggin out and i couldn figure out why. about a week later we noticed somthing strange, we saw her poking her head out of the vent in the vac. it took about an hour to get her out of the motor.
we thought it was pretty funny

04-05-10, 10:19 PM
I had to hack apart a $250 living room chair one time....


04-05-10, 10:20 PM
thats awesome

04-05-10, 10:24 PM
The wife was really mad at me for some time. She got mad that I killed an expensive chair over a $40 Pueblan milk snake.

I use what is left of the chair outside by our campfires now.

04-06-10, 06:16 AM
my wife went to water our indoor plants and got quite a fright when an 8 month old missing jungle female came out from under a big rubber plant leave to see who was chucking all the water about.i had been too chicken to tell my wife i had another escapee on the loose.
cheers shaun

04-06-10, 08:21 AM
Lol Shaun. For a while, whenever my mom (who is deathly afraid of snakes, she will cry if she sees one) would come to visit, one snake or another would escape and she'd be on her toes the entire visit. lol...I now have a draft guard under the door so even the smallest snakes cannot possibly get out of the room and I've remodeled and with the new cages so far I have not had any houdinis. *knock on wood*