View Full Version : looking for a care schedule

03-27-10, 10:40 AM
i'm writing up another care sheet before i purchase a ball python in a few months.
i want to know, what will need to be done to care for a ball python & how often?
every day?
every other day?
every week?
every month?
thx for any and all replies.

03-27-10, 01:38 PM
Clean and refill water bowl every day. Check for poops and remove them every day or every other day. For an adult, twice a month feedings are fine. For a baby up to a year old, feed once a week. Completely change bedding once a month or as soon as it seems stale.

03-27-10, 02:34 PM
thank you very much that was very thorough & helpful.
how often could i handle a snake without stressing it out? is a short time every day ok?

03-27-10, 02:39 PM
i havent read it in a while but i wrote up a caresheet a couple years ago. it can be see here: Caresheets - Welcome to www.citysnakes.com ! (http://citysnakes.com/4.html)

hope it can help with what you're looking for.

03-27-10, 04:05 PM
thanks julian. i looked over you page & found it very helpful as well.

03-27-10, 07:06 PM
i hold my retic ALOT, she is very active in her cage and when i walk by the cage she always come right up to the glass and follows me around with her tongue out, so i always feel bad for locking her up and end up taking her out daily. but i usually put her away after about 1 hours, give or take just becuase she is so active all the time its like, ah i have had enouph, back to your cage "bella" for my peace of mind :P

03-28-10, 01:10 AM
I don't know that I would feed a BP only twice a month after it turns 12 months old. Sometimes BPs can be picky eaters, especially if they are exposed to natural lighting (the sun, that is), and they may quit eating for several months in the winter. Hence, during the spring, summer, and early fall, I would feed a BP weekly so that if it quits eating for a few months, it will be well-fed enough to take it.

That said, not all BPs are so picky, and I don't want you to start worrying about this. Just be aware of the possibility. Julian is an extremely experienced and knowledgeable BP breeder, and I would trust his care sheet to be both accurate and well-written. You cannot go wrong by using it as your guide.

03-28-10, 03:36 AM
thank you sandy & freebody