View Full Version : where to buy a good enclosure

03-25-10, 03:42 PM
im thinking about getting a visionarium from LLLreptile.com but now im also thinking about something else but cant find anything other then the tall terrariums the stores are selling now.
i need something that is at least 36"long x 12-18"wide x 12-18"high
anyone got any ideas as to where i could go?
the visionarium im thinking about is 30"long x 12"wide x 12"high
will that be ok for an adult female ball python, although its 6 inches shorter then what ive been told i need?

03-25-10, 04:23 PM
Here's a site with all kinds of cages. Lot of different on line stores. Kingsnake.com Classifieds > Cages, Aquariums, & Terrariums (http://market.kingsnake.com/index.php?cat=22)

03-25-10, 04:24 PM
I keep mine in a common 55 gallon fish tank, Easily found on craigslist, rummage sales or local newspaper ads.

In fact I have four 55 gallon tanks and got each of them free.