View Full Version : We have a new forum
03-16-10, 11:55 PM
Since we are discussing garter snakes with some frequency, there is now a garter snake forum!
Just one of the positive changes we are making to enhance the experience.
03-17-10, 01:52 AM
do people breed garter snakes?
i really dont know the first thing about them i always thought they were just wild little snakes. dont mean anything by that negetive just im in the dark. the pic you posted looks really nice. best garter snake i ever got as a kid was a red racer i think it was called or at least that what we called it because of the red line down its belly or back cant remember. when i was a kid i was with my dad in a empty hydro field and we seen a big sheet of ply wood and we could see it almost moving, i was around 4 or so and my dad flipped it over and there was a massive breeding sesion going on and my dad grabbed a huge hand full and past them to me and i tried to hold them both arms out hugging as many as would fit in my little arms,their must have been around 200 snakes their going in every direction, he was scooping them up and just tossing them ontop of my pile lol i was so excited after i dropped them all my dad let me take one home for myself :) always remember that :) needless to say my mum was not so pleased when her little son came home not only with my 1st pet but stinking to high heaven with all the mess they shared,damn near got hosed off in the front yard lol
03-17-10, 03:49 AM
Absolutely! Google the San Francisco Garter Snake, Freebody--that is one beee-u-tiful snake! I would love to have a pair of those!
03-17-10, 04:29 AM
do people breed garter snakes?
Hmmm, I wonder
Garter Snake Morph (
Scott Felzer's Garter Snakes, specializing in aberrant garters (
Garter Snake Forum ( (Owned and operated by our very own "Boots" Jason)
Thamnophis ( My garter snake gallery page.
Scott Felzer's article in Reptile Magazine (
03-17-10, 04:31 AM
03-17-10, 11:12 AM
wow they are sweet looking i really had no idea.
do they still have that bad smell i remember? im guessing so or do they just not make that scent when they are not so scared?
03-17-10, 11:25 AM
now i feel like a weetodd lol i really thought there was only 2 kinds the really plain looking ones that you find here and ones that have a red line down its belly nothing like the ones in the pictures at all,i never thought to look look online for them , they got some really sweet looking one on the website you showed me.
03-17-10, 12:38 PM
That smell is a self defense musk, they only do that when scared.
I have a few in my collection that do that to me, but most of them are really calm, I raise most of mine from birth, so they know who I am.
My Infernalis (California Garter Snakes) bite the heck out of me whenever I try to pick them up, but they are so darn beautiful, I don't care.
I can sit and stare at them in the cage all day. ;)
My favorite is my red flame easterns....she only bites if my hands smell like rodent, and never musks on me.
She did not want to hold still or cooperate much while I took pictures.
03-17-10, 04:12 PM
man i love that snake in your pic the red and black is soo nice , well you made me a fan thats for sure :)
03-17-10, 04:15 PM
That smell is a self defense musk, they only do that when scared.
I have a few in my collection that do that to me, but most of them are really calm, I raise most of mine from birth, so they know who I am.
My Infernalis (California Garter Snakes) bite the heck out of me whenever I try to pick them up, but they are so darn beautiful, I don't care.
I can sit and stare at them in the cage all day. ;)
My favorite is my red flame easterns....she only bites if my hands smell like rodent, and never musks on me.
She did not want to hold still or cooperate much while I took pictures.
One of my favorites too! So pretty!
03-17-10, 05:58 PM
I have a snow albino of the same species, He is going to father a breeding project with her.
The babies will have a few of these in the litter (I hope!!) they are the rarest ever in collections, only a very small number exist.
Just for fun.......
03-17-10, 07:19 PM
Hmmm, I wonder
Garter Snake Morph (
Scott Felzer's Garter Snakes, specializing in aberrant garters (
Garter Snake Forum ( (Owned and operated by our very own "Boots" Jason)
Thamnophis ( My garter snake gallery page.
Scott Felzer's article in Reptile Magazine (
gee Wayne....forget someone???? :no:
Home Page ( Don's Garters Snakes (click on home page link)
03-18-10, 12:10 AM
gee Wayne....forget someone???? :no:
Home Page ( Don's Garters Snakes (click on home page link)
Oh yeah, Sorry Don, I forgot one. (embarrassed)
03-18-10, 12:17 AM
i like that snow albino
is the red on the side the whole bottom belly and ll or are they strips either way it looks really cool.i like the christmas albino nebraska strain colors are very similar to one of my favorite snakes the granite burm but at a much more managable size as well as the anerithristic black and grey looks real sweet you dont see many black with grey pattern. the pics i was looking at were on don.s site he just posted
I have to admit that I have always wanted a pair of San Francisco Garters, and am hoping that this is the year. Just have to finish the reptile room, and the house to go around it. :)
Awesome :) I like that snow albino too.
03-22-10, 03:51 AM
I have to admit that I have always wanted a pair of San Francisco Garters, and am hoping that this is the year. Just have to finish the reptile room, and the house to go around it.
Sounds to me like you're going about it the right way around! ;)
Yeah, the SF garters are really, really nice . . . I keep wishing for a pair myself.
*sigh* If wishes were snakes . . .
03-22-10, 04:24 AM
Sounds to me like you're going about it the right way around! ;)
Yeah, the SF garters are really, really nice . . . I keep wishing for a pair myself.
*sigh* If wishes were snakes . . .
If it was not a felony in the USA I would have them already.
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