View Full Version : look what showed up in my mail today.

03-15-10, 12:14 PM
I'll never understand why, but these kind of unsolicited gifts keep showing up in my mailbox....

Today there was a large padded bag from a guy I know on another forum, I rip it open and found this inside.

The whole focus of the book is Garter Snakes!


A few months ago, this one showed up in the mail, and this bad boy is a mint hardcover copy. (Not cheap by any standards)


03-15-10, 12:52 PM
Cool-seem it is always like Christmas for you! :)

03-15-10, 02:58 PM
There is usually the same 2 people behind this conspiracy.....

One time I posted that I like mustard from Great Britain, and a few weeks later a package shows up with customs labels on it mailed via "royal post"

I tear it open and there is a tin of Coleman's in there.

03-15-10, 03:14 PM
Sweet book!

03-15-10, 03:20 PM
I think it's disturbing that people know where you live.
I for one guard my privacy and that of my family with my life; you either know where I live, or you know what I do.
Never both.

03-15-10, 03:25 PM
I think it's disturbing that people know where you live.

I don't mind my addy being out there, I have like a whole bunch of web sites and the "contact us" page has my addy and phone published on them.

I even have had a couple forum members over for a visit, and one member brought me a female snake to have studded by one of my males.

I lead a very public life.

Rocky Roost Home (http://www.rockyroostmx.com) one example, it even has maps to my house ;)

03-15-10, 03:39 PM
There is usually the same 2 people behind this conspiracy.....

One time I posted that I like mustard from Great Britain, and a few weeks later a package shows up with customs labels on it mailed via "royal post"

I tear it open and there is a tin of Coleman's in there.
just pm me if you crave some british mustard mate,wont be a problem getting some to you.
cheers shaun
p.s. that goes for everyone,let me know what your after,as long as its not some expensive snake i'll do my best to sort you's out.

03-15-10, 03:42 PM
Brill! I'm almost out ;) cheers.

03-15-10, 04:28 PM
Wayne, is there a bus tour I can charter of your neighbourhood as well...

03-15-10, 06:14 PM
Since the Watkins glen international raceway & state park are right up the street, YES there is. ;)