View Full Version : Whoa-hoa it's Magik, you know-oh-oh!

03-14-10, 04:02 PM
Hahah, excuse the goofy title, but every time I say this snake's name, I get that song stuck in my head. Yes I know "magic" is misspelled, but it's his name- a bit of poetic liberty. Magik is a northern/Suriname type Emerald tree boa. He is every bit as sweet and tame as my Esmeralda, and very very curious. He also has a MASSIVE head for his size. He didn't want to come off his perch for pictures, and as it's hard for me to hold a camera and him, I just snapped him on his perch. Enjoy!

03-14-10, 04:43 PM
You have some very pretty snakes Kim.

Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head too.....http://laserpointerforums.com/images/smilies/crackup.gif

03-14-10, 06:23 PM
Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head too.....

You're very welcome, Wayne!:p

03-14-10, 06:28 PM
Thanks Kim. Now Its stuck in m head too.

Nice pics :)

03-14-10, 06:31 PM
"do you believe in magik?!" :D

this may be a n00b question but what is suriname type?

03-14-10, 06:42 PM
A Suriname, or northern, type emerald has the lightning bolt white marks on its back, with no line connecting them. An Amazon basin emerald has a solid white line down its back with sideways bars on it. Amazon basin emeralds also tend to get larger than northern types.

03-15-10, 08:28 PM
ohhhhh ok, thanks for clearing that up for me lol i always wondered what it meant lol thanks! :D

03-16-10, 08:32 AM
No problem. All 3 of my emeralds are Suriname-type. I have an old thread somewhere with pictures of Esmeralda, who it now seems is most likely a male, and another new thread "Introducing Jade" with pictures of little Jade, my new female.
I have honestly found emeralds easier to work with than GTPs, which I know goes against what almost everyone else says. My emeralds shed better, feed better, and are calmer. If you work with them, it isn't hard to have tame arboreals. The key to relaxing them is to never grab them from above- no matter how "tame" they are. When I bought Jade I was told she was pretty aggressive, but she has not tried to strike at me once. I got her home and used a hook to get her out of the deli cup and let her slither around my arms, and soaked her. I use removable scorched PVC perches, so I can just lift a perch, snake and all, out of the tank, which disturbs them less and gives them the choice of how much they want to interact. Most often they will come off the perch onto my arms and shoulders and explore. They are fairly intelligent, very curious snakes.

03-16-10, 02:17 PM
i love how bright they are, i have read most of your threads on your arboreals, i find them so interesting and amazing looking, i love their eyes and the shape of their heads. what struck me was how much smaller their body looks when theyre out compared to when they're perched. I also saw a feeding video on youtube which showed an Emerald striking at a mouse, it was amazing! :D

03-16-10, 02:34 PM
Yes, emeralds tend to have MASSIVE heads, especially the females. Magik's head is particularly large compared to his body as he is a bit underweight. I am working on getting his weight up, but it takes time with them. They have a slower metabolism and a more delicate digestive system than most other snakes. Their eyes are also some of my favorite snake eyes- they are silvery-gold and look very very deep. I think they are quite expressive for snakes, but then again, I'm kind of biased. :p But I have found them to be wonderful joys to own. I have not had much trouble at all with them- I'm lucky I guess. But I also only deal with LTC or CB emeralds. I do not buy fresh imports and doubt that I ever will. It's much riskier and the price is not that much lower anyway, so why put yourself and the animals through all that extra stress when you can buy CBB or well-acclimated, healthy, adjusted emeralds? I am hoping to begin to breed them in a year or two, so I may have babies for sale in the near future.

03-16-10, 02:38 PM
well i may have to get one off of you later on down the road then ;) :P

03-16-10, 03:09 PM
I am hoping to begin to breed them in a year or two, so I may have babies for sale in the near future.

Ya I am wanting to get one as well. Have wanted them for a long time but the stars just haven't aligned yet. Oh well, maybe by the time you have babies it will work out.

03-16-10, 03:32 PM
Awwwww Kim Magik is so beautiful!!!

03-16-10, 05:18 PM
Thanks, he's a sweetie!