View Full Version : Are jungle carpet pythons tame pets?

03-13-10, 11:02 PM
I plan on getting a jcp, i read that they're very aggressive but they tame down with handling. How long does it usually take for them to tame down?

03-14-10, 12:22 AM
my coastal carpet python was really bad as a yearling,she would strike and bite me any chance she got, she was real head shy and fast moving all the time, when she hit about a year and a half or so she started taming out. now she never bites and is pretty calm, she is still head shy tho. hope that helps. im pretty sure jungles and coastals share the same temeperment at young ages. i know as adults they both are supposed to be very docile.

03-14-10, 12:58 AM
Jungles can be very aggressive whilst young, but with constant handling and routines they calm down very quickly. Like most morelia once they are about 6 months old they are very docile and can be handled really well.
There is always a chance of getting any species that will always be cage defensive, but calm when out or just plain aggressive all the time. Jungles are a great species to keep as they are a very active snake and look absolutely stunning.

03-14-10, 07:37 AM
like percy said the majority of my carpets calm down by the 6 month mark.once they get a bit of size and realise your not going to eat them.you do get the odd exception that does not calm and remains that way all through their lives.in my experience though roughly 9 out of 10 are calm.
cheers shaun

03-14-10, 11:07 AM
My jungle took like a month to tame down. She is still alittle jumpy she I go in to get her out of her tank. Really like you said I think like any snake with handling and the right feeding everything should go great. Are you getting a snake under a year? Most younge snakes can strike more. Because like any baby they are trying to protect themself. Good lucky with your new Jungle. I love the Jungles! Can wait to see pictures! :) WELCOME TO THE FORUM!

03-14-10, 10:14 PM
thanks everybody, im definitely getting a baby. i will post pics

03-15-10, 08:40 AM
Cool. Who are you getting it from? Don't buy one from a pet store- they are rarely in good shape and the pet stores will not have any history on the snake. Always buy from a reputable breeder- I can recommend a guy I know who breeds some of the most gorgeous carpets I've ever seen!

03-15-10, 10:50 PM
Cool. Who are you getting it from? Don't buy one from a pet store- they are rarely in good shape and the pet stores will not have any history on the snake. Always buy from a reputable breeder- I can recommend a guy I know who breeds some of the most gorgeous carpets I've ever seen!

i'm going to the cleveland reptile expo sunday, they had some last month so im sure i'll find 1

03-16-10, 03:39 AM
My female was very aggressive until she was quite big, she still does her best to scare me sometimes, and bites now and then still. They`re very highly strung as youngsters, I`d say until the equivalant of thier teenage years, once they`re about five feet or so they seem to find confidence and calm down a bit. Absolutely fantastic snake to own! Can`t recommend them highly enough..... :)

03-16-10, 07:25 AM
it seems like i'll have to luck up & get a nice 1, most ppl are saying 6 months to a year but some are saying it takes years! lol, i guess i'll find out soon

03-16-10, 03:27 PM
You know some snakes just don't calm down. I hope yours does.

03-16-10, 03:29 PM
Good luck! Jungles are so pretty! I love them. Hope you the fine one! Wish you so much luck! Cant wait to see pictures!

03-17-10, 12:05 PM
4 of my jungles are puppy dog tame.ive got one male though who hits you like a machine gun any chance he gets.i even have to watch exactly where his head is when changing his water.we call him crazy bert...!! haha
cheers shaun

03-17-10, 01:59 PM
Crazy Bert...that's cute. Yeah, some snakes just never relax.

03-19-10, 11:38 PM
Lol i dont want a crazy bert lmao

03-20-10, 12:43 PM
Well, get at least a yearling then. Babies will almost always be nippy until they get some size and realize you are not going to eat them.

03-20-10, 01:40 PM
They are typically never "agressive" but rather "defensive" as youngsters.
To some everything is a potential threat to them & thus their defensive nature.
Very few are actually "agressive", just like ANY type animal there tends to be an ahole in every crowd so to speak.
Most calm down quickly once they realize the whole world is not out to get them & your disposition quite often determines theirs. if you are all nervous etc. it tends to make them that way as well. Slow methodical movements to not startle them & gentle handling over time works well. In some cases you have to take a few tags for thsi to happen over time, but thats part of keeping them.
You get a kitten you'll get scratched, you get a puppy or baby snake you will likley get the odd nip, Mark

03-22-10, 09:03 AM
Yes, that is very true, that what we humans see as "aggression" in a snake is most often actually "defensiveness" as the animal is scared and thinks we are predators that will eat it if it does not defend itself.