View Full Version : some feeding *pics*

12-27-02, 01:55 PM
:I couldn't get very many good shots because my camera's batteries went dead, but here are the best ones. Btw, she ate 2 large rats (this is one of them). Sorry the pics are so small. KS Photo Galery wouldn't let me make them any bigger... what's a good photo host that lets you upload like 20 pics at a time without making them smaller to fit the site?? Anyway, hope you like!!

:<center><img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002931.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002934.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002938.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002935.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002941.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002942.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002947.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002952.jpg>

:<img src=http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/4743Im002953.jpg>

:That's all =)

12-28-02, 06:48 PM
I always love feeding shots.

12-28-02, 09:25 PM
Cool pics :)

12-28-02, 09:26 PM
oh, btw... I use imagestation.com for uploading my pics... printroom.com is ok too...

12-28-02, 09:27 PM
Thanks Clownfishie, I'll keep that in mind =p

12-28-02, 11:33 PM
Nice shots!:)

12-29-02, 11:10 AM
Most ISP's give free web space for hosting files like pictures. That's all I ever use. Not sure why a lot of people don't. It's fast and unrestricted use of files normally. Usually it's only limitation is size which is normally 5-10 megs.


12-29-02, 01:48 PM

I have an hp camera, and they gave me a free photo host for pics. But they just recently updated their site and so the only way you would be able to view my pics was through email. I complained to them and told them I didn't like their new service but they sent one of those "already written" emailes to me or whatever.
It was so easy using it the way they had it before. I would copy and past or browse my computer for the pictures I wanted on my page and I could do like unlimited pics, and it would only take me about 10 minutes to upload about 100 - 200 photos. It was awesome!! But now, it really sucks they updated their site!! >:(


12-29-02, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by RachelS.
[Bwhat's a good photo host that lets you upload like 20 pics at a time without making them smaller to fit the site??[/B]

Jeff sells photohosting here @ ssnakess.com so you don't even have to search far.

01-21-03, 12:29 AM
Could not see the pics.