View Full Version : Whats your "garbage disposal" ???

03-02-10, 01:19 PM
after reading a post in the food section,i came up with the thought for this thread.

when you have spare food after a snake refusing to eat on feeding day,what in your collection acts as your "garbage disposal"

for me its my coastal carpet python,he would eat all day every day if he had the chance.
cheers shaun

03-02-10, 01:29 PM
Oooh definitely my biggest Blood python ! lol He`s a proper greedy bugger lol Failing that, my big Rainbow Boa, she`s a shy eater but not shy about eating a couple of dirty great big rats......

03-02-10, 02:58 PM
My ball will eat anything. Form large rat to mice hoppers. If one of my snake don't eat i give it to him.

03-03-10, 12:30 AM
My adult bearded dragons, they eat all the feeder insects and left over pinky or fuzzies i have left.

03-03-10, 12:47 AM


03-03-10, 02:29 AM
Cool pic infernalis. He looks like his coming for you next.

03-03-10, 07:29 AM
infernalis i dont doubt for a minute chompers garbage disposing capabilitys.but in the picture those eyes look like they're saying " who me ? " .he looks like butter wouldnt melt in his mouth.once again infernalis you've got me grinning from ear to ear. :yes:
cheers shaun

03-03-10, 02:13 PM
Haha..Chomper is soo adorable! My garbage disposal is Baby, my superdwarf retic. She always wants to eat, and eat and eat and eat. She has actually attacked the heater once because she thought it was food and didn't look when I opened up her cage..lol. Once she knows no food is coming she's a sweetie though.

03-03-10, 10:40 PM
lol i LOVE Chomper haha well shes not really my garbage disposal, but my gf's chameleon Melon seems to love her crickets! once i took the tube from the cricket keeper out and accidentally threw in about 15 crickets... they all scattered and i couldnt get to a single one but she did... lol she also has a deformed tongue which doesnt go much farther than an inch out of her mouth so shes now a terrestrial hunter! sad the store we got her at told us they would use her as a feeder... shes a great chameleon, very personable!

03-04-10, 04:52 AM
LOL Chomper looks like he`s coming to eat the photographer ! lol :D He`s ace ! :)

03-04-10, 04:54 AM
Thanks! never meant to turn this into a "chompfest" ;)

03-04-10, 04:48 PM
Not your fault, Chomper just steals the show all the time. Lol. I hope my Sav calms down to near his level someday. He's still skittish as all get out but he is gaining weight nicely and more curious about my actions in the room.

03-04-10, 10:09 PM
he is gaining weight nicely and more curious about my actions in the room.

That's great news!!!

03-05-10, 10:07 PM
hahaha everyone loves Chomper haha out of curiosity, are savs social at all? and what are their habits like with humans? feel free to pm if it may turn into a hijacked thread lol :P

03-06-10, 04:11 PM
as I said, I will post in Chompers thread soon, I'm digging through some pictures at the moment, and am going through a real pain with my web site server provider.

I paid to renew Dekayi.info, and the twerps never paid the registrar, so one of my sites is down. :(

As a result, some of my pics I posted on here are not showing up.

I already moved the folder on the server, But I have a lot of editing to do to my sites.