View Full Version : Suitable Light for carpet?

03-02-10, 03:58 AM
Hi all just wondering what would be a suitable light for my carpet in a glass tank? I have just been looking on the herpshop.com and found this The Exo Terra Repti Glo 2.0. Do I need something stronger or will that be sufficient


03-02-10, 06:40 AM
i use a 2.0 with all my carpets.i once tried a 5.0 on a pair of young bredl and it seemed to make their skin look like it was going into shed at all times.i felt it was way too strong.it also seemed to intensify all their colours,but it caused a blue tinge all over,like some snakes get when they are in shed.i only used it for a period of 2 months.it took 6 months plus and a few sheds for them to lose the always in shed look.so i stick to natural sunlight 2.0,just like the ones you saw at your reptile shop.this is just my personal preference as my snakes seem to keep their colour better since using them.
cheers shaun

03-02-10, 02:47 PM
They of course do not require "spectrum lighting" at all so any old light bulb will do just fine its up to you what lights the enclosure up nice for you to view it.
They do just fine with no lights as far as that goes, Mark
P.S. Nocturnal ;)

03-03-10, 08:59 AM
although nocturnal a lot of my carpets are out and about during the day.they go bask under the lights.i know its not essential but imo it makes the tanks and snakes look all the better.the snakes seem to favor it too.
cheers shaun