View Full Version : My first bite!

02-27-10, 08:01 PM
Today I got my first bite from my Jungle Carpet Python. Didnt hurt one bit but was bleeding like mad. It was my fault and I dont blame her. So I
thought I would show you guys my little girls bit. Love her!




02-27-10, 08:17 PM
worse than my first, it was a little corn snake, didnt hurt just spooked me

02-27-10, 08:19 PM
Hahahahaha! I knew it was coming. Lol. Yeah the first time I got bit by my King it spooked me too. But that was the worst out of all of mine. Ewwww and she had just ate a rat and then she got me. Lol.

02-28-10, 12:11 AM
I lost count of all my bites.

Welcome to the "bite club"

The first rule about bite club is you don't talk about bite club.....

02-28-10, 04:58 AM
:eek: Nice how many teeth hole? Oh and welcome to the B.C. So what you do that got you bit? Detail please.

02-28-10, 10:14 AM
Hahahahaha! Yay the B.C.! Well it wasnt my first ever snake bite but it was my first bite by my python. Well Marvelfreak I had just feed her and she was in her feeding box. (I dont feed my snakes in their enclosures) I let them sit in there for alittle just so they can get a rat down alittle. So the rat was down pretty far and well she was moving around. And I was like now is my chance to get her because she is alittle nasty after feeding. So her head was away from me and I slid my hand under her. And seconds later she got me. And she stayed on for a good time. She puted out like her teeth got stuck. Lol. Teeth Holes 36.

02-28-10, 10:17 AM
You know your a snake fan when your snake bites you, and you are more worried about the snake breaking off a tooth than your own welfare.

I always wait for mine to let go, no matter how much it hurts.

One time my Corn had my finger half swallowed before he decided to spit it out.

02-28-10, 10:20 AM
Yeah I never pull away. One it hurts more to pull away. Its way better to wait. I know I was more worried about her then me. Lol

02-28-10, 07:00 PM
Teeth Holes 36.

Now that the way to join the B.C. You didn't toy around. LOL Good to hear you and your JCP are doing OK.

02-28-10, 07:05 PM
Hahahahahaha! Thanks I feel so welcome!

02-28-10, 07:10 PM
haha i got bit n the face picked up the cave my bp was n one morning with the entrance of the cave faced away from me n stead of puting the cave n her second inclosure i use when cleaning her main one i said n my head i wonder if shes sleep so i turn the cave around n my hand and bam right between the eyes. stupid me

02-28-10, 07:12 PM
Omg! The face is bad!! Geez at least she didnt get you in the eye. Lol.

02-28-10, 07:48 PM
nice to see your jungle is doing well. 36 holes isnt a bad start for being bitten by your first python. I only got 5 or 6 my first bite but still shocked me. I find the easiest way to get a snake off if its holding on is to have have a syringe with no needle handy and just squirt air straight into their mouth.

03-01-10, 01:43 AM
You know your a snake fan when your snake bites you, and you are more worried about the snake breaking off a tooth

Glad to hear im not the only freak out there.

03-01-10, 07:18 AM
I lost count of all my bites.

Welcome to the "bite club"

The first rule about bite club is you don't talk about bite club.....

i havent laughed so hard in a long time,thanks for that infernalis.

03-08-10, 09:23 AM
think i startled my 07 female jungle when i went into her tank for her water bowl.
cheers shaun

03-08-10, 10:01 AM
Looks like fun......NOT.

that will leave a mark.

03-08-10, 11:24 AM
Ouchies! That looks like it smarted.

03-08-10, 11:28 AM
i'd rather that than getting one from chomper...!!

03-08-10, 02:52 PM
Cool! LOL How many teeth holes and how's your jungle doing? Didn't break any teeth off in your hand did it?

03-08-10, 04:14 PM
Oh crap. You beat me their. I mean ouch. Got you good!

03-08-10, 07:18 PM
i'd rather that than getting one from chomper...!!

I have to agree, I have seen and heard him crush skulls like a walnut when he eats.

03-08-10, 10:34 PM
When I had my boa, she bit me only twice in all the years that I had her...both times my fault. First time I was holding a rat and put it down and went straight to my boa. Second time, I got her upset when I forced her to let go of the underside of an ottoman. I was forcing her tail loose and watch TV at the same time...didnt even realize she was biting me at the time until I looked down and saw some blood...:eek::rolleyes:.

03-09-10, 08:32 AM
Oh crap. You beat me their. I mean ouch. Got you good!

your jungle will be able to do that soon hillary,its no different from yours having a go,they just leave bigger marks.marvelfreak,her teeth are all present and correct.it was a defensive hit as opossed to a feeding response (so it was over in a flash),it was my own fault her nose was around 3 inches away from her bowl,she was sitting slightly higher than the bowl on a log.i put my hand in way too quick and startled her.i usually make sure they're awake and flicked their toungue out 2 or 3 times at least,so they know its me.as you all know their teeth are that sharp and it happens so fast you dont feel much in the way of pain at the time.ive found its the next day when the bruising comes out it hurts a little.
cheers shaun