View Full Version : R.I.P. Flicka (2008-2010)

02-20-10, 08:49 AM
This morning the prettiest red sided I have ever known went into convulsions, locked up in a horrible position and died.:mad:

He was the last of the litter, the end of a bloodline (for me)


02-20-10, 08:52 AM
Awwwww! I am so sorry. Must have been so hard. May Flicka Rest In Peace! So beautiful

02-20-10, 10:42 AM
yeah I felt really helpless, it looked painful.


02-20-10, 04:09 PM
Sorry to hear. I know he was one of the coolest looking snake i ever seen. he will be missed.

02-20-10, 04:39 PM
Aw, Wayne I am so sorry to hear that.

02-20-10, 04:46 PM
I kinda regret selling and trading too many of those, I had 17 from the same litter.

I just learned to keep backup snakes.

He was het anerythristic.

The female passed away from similar circumstances a few months ago.

Too many generations of inbreeding maybe??

Good 'N Plenty
02-22-10, 12:18 AM
RIP. always sad to see one off. People too often don't appreciate the attachments we can form to reptiles since they arent fuzzy and as active as mammalian pets.

They are cute, they are cuddly, they are sweet, and yes we anthropomorphasize the hell out of them, but who cares!

That being said, I'm sorry for your loss. Best wishes with those who remain in your care.

02-24-10, 05:20 PM
Sorry to hear. Losing a pet always sucks. He was a beauty.

02-24-10, 09:45 PM
I kinda regret selling and trading too many of those, I had 17 from the same litter.

I just learned to keep backup snakes.

He was het anerythristic.

The female passed away from similar circumstances a few months ago.

Too many generations of inbreeding maybe??

That could be a possibility but maybe it's the food items? Not saying you feed bad things but where do you get your feeders for them? What goes into them for food? Could be something like that.

02-25-10, 08:07 AM
That could be a possibility but maybe it's the food items? Not saying you feed bad things but where do you get your feeders for them? What goes into them for food? Could be something like that.

I buy thousands of frozen pinkies from rodent pro a well known, well respected pinkie supplier.

kept frozen solid and thawed only 30 minutes prior to feeding.

02-25-10, 07:28 PM
Hmm, did you do an autopsy?

I wasn't sure if you fed them pinks or worms/fish or anything.

02-25-10, 08:06 PM
No autopsies here... it's won't bring him back.

It costs money I don't have.

02-26-10, 01:39 PM
sorry to hear wayne, always sucks to lose one of the pets

02-27-10, 12:31 PM
i'm really sorry for your loss,its the feeling of helplessness that frustrates the hell out you,making a terrible situation all the worse.no doubt you will have many happy memorys to reflect on mate.
my condolances shaun

02-27-10, 01:14 PM
thank you.

Maybe my breeder friend will have more this year, I like getting in on the hets, they cost about 1/4 (or in my case I get the non feeding babies really cheaply, and have had enormous success getting them to eat)

Nearly all of my "high end" colour morphs were "non feeding babies", I built up a heck of a collection for next to nothing that way.