View Full Version : custom lid solved my humidity problem

02-11-10, 11:26 PM
Ok, so the rest of the tank isn't much to look at... but the lid is what I want to brag about. My husband and I made a custom lid after struggling with humidity issues and escape attempts. This lid has solved sooo many problems, and gives me easy access for tank maintenance. Plus Valentine (BP) seems much happier, and comes out more often.

The lid is a hinged frame made of 1x2s, 20% metal mesh, 80% clear plexiglass. Substrate is large chunks of coconut husk. (which also helps with hydration and smells nice). If anyone wants to know how it was made in more detail, feel free to PM me.




02-16-10, 07:27 PM
Nice job. Are you able to lock it to keep him from pushing the lid up?

02-16-10, 08:35 PM
Sick!! Nice job! Plus pretty snake! :P

02-17-10, 04:12 PM
I "lock it" by securing two tight bungee cords, one on each end of the tank. This is a 40g breeder tank, I've never seen a store sell lids for these unless they are custom order...and even then they would not be the locking kind.

02-17-10, 06:51 PM
Solid idea I suppose.

I hear the words "breeder tank" used often. What is a "breeder" tank?

02-18-10, 05:15 PM
A breeder tank is a tank that, while it technically has the same capacity as a fish tank, will be shallower and wider. Most snakes do not climb and therefore do not need as much vertical space as fish do. Therefore reptile tanks are often called "breeder" tanks to delineate between a 50-gallon fish tank (tall and narrow) and a 50-gallon reptile tank.