View Full Version : Pics of brb! :)

02-09-10, 12:24 PM
hey all i decided to take a few pictures of my new Brazilian rainbow after he shed and ate, lol hes quite the mover, hes very curious and inquisitive and i measured his last shed and i believe he was at about 5.3 ft now, i am very please with him! Also sorry about some of the pictures they were taken on an Iphone, but they looked pretty good overall, wish i got more of his iridescence though...

02-09-10, 12:30 PM
Wow, he's a good-sized one!

02-09-10, 12:42 PM
thanks! :) he likes to move around as you can see lol hes always trying to climb mount sean hahaha

02-09-10, 01:36 PM
Yeah they do that. My rainbow boa is very active as well.

02-09-10, 03:21 PM
Cool look BRB! That my next snake. Hopefully this month or next. Just waiting for it to warm up enough to get one shipped.

02-09-10, 04:20 PM
He is totally sexy!! Hahahahaha! Love his colors! Their such nice lookin snakes!!

02-09-10, 05:26 PM
lol thanks :) hahaha yeah the only thing with them is that i always stress about the humidity even though its not that hard to maintain lol theyre awesome though i really enjoy this guy lol i had to take him home lol

02-09-10, 06:06 PM
Well he really looks amazing! The colors on him are sick. Good luck!!!

02-09-10, 06:08 PM
Aaw he`s lovely, I really like those guys.... :)

02-09-10, 06:58 PM
hahaha thanks:) i love his colours and iridescence too hahaha and his temperment is great i hear theyre a little nippy when theyre younger but according to the guy i got him off of hes never struck at anything lol he hisses a little but hes really all show lol if you can call his hissing a show hahaha :P

07-02-10, 08:59 PM
Didn't feel like making a new thread so here's a few more pics lol, p.s. his eyes seem very dark whereas others i've seen don't have this. wondering if i should be worried or not. it's been this way since i rescued him. this is his temporary tub he won't be in it too long but its 50 qt or something... seems a lot smaller in these photos lol

07-02-10, 09:50 PM
Great looking snake, im very jealous

07-03-10, 04:13 AM
:)Looking good. How big is he now?:)

07-03-10, 08:59 AM
thanks! umm... you know, i really have no idea lol! he's long if i were to estimate id say about 5.5 feet still but he's still my favorite in my collection lol :)