View Full Version : wanted: custom cage furnishing ideas

02-04-10, 03:33 PM
I've been given the task of furnishing 7 arboreal varanid enclosures. The enclosures are about 4x5x8. Ideally these would each house 3-4 tree trunks/branches, about 8-12" in diameter. Running on an extremely low budget I need creative Ideas to make this possible. Real logs are hard to find where I am and expensive and heavy. Professional reptile coats used by zoos to paint onto other substrates are expensive as well. I'm wondering if anyone has any fresh ideas either from experience or seeing someone else do it. Any help is appreciated.

02-05-10, 08:06 PM
Maybe you could use live plants like a nice Fig tree or something? I`ve still got a Fig tree from a snake tank I was working on years ago, the tree got too big in the end but your tanks sound pretty big. The good thing about these types of trees is you can train them to grow into certain shapes. Short of that, could you use some PVC tubing or similar? Disguised with fake greenery.....

Ryan... :) (There aren`t many Ryan`s here in the UK, I`m not used to meeting other me`s lol )