View Full Version : i have a question

02-02-10, 11:23 PM
i just brought a new snake and it a albino California king snake and its a girl but she a baby and i got a ball python that i had for a year i was wondering if i could put them in the same tank together because i know that my ball python is really friendly i dont think he/she wont try to kill the albino so what should i do

02-03-10, 06:01 AM
No offence mate really, but do some research and learn something before you buy snakes. You should know before you even buy a snake that that is a terrible idea. For starters one of them is a snake eating snake. They are two different species with different requirements. It`s all about stress with snakes, even if they were both Balls Pythons, they would have to be the same size or the much smaller one would spend it`s time terrified. Can you tell when a snake is terrified? Snakes aren`t friendly, snakes just tollerate you, that`s how it is. They never "want to come out and play" they don`t "like to be stroked" They learn to accept you and tollerate you, that`s it. Just because one of your snakes seems gentle, really doesn`t mean you can start mixing species in a tank. Sorry if I sound a little condescending mate, I don`t mean to be but that really is a question you should know the answer to before you even buy a snake.
Here are a few links that you might find helpful.....
Snake-keeping for beginners - by Graham Duke - Helium (http://www.helium.com/items/695278-snakes-keeping-for-beginners)
Begginers Guide (http://www.dksnakes.co.uk/begginers_guide.htm)

If you have any more questions, I`m happy to help, I`m sure plenty of people here will be happy to help :) Learning about your snakes is essential, fun and very rewarding.... :)

02-03-10, 09:39 AM
even if they were both Balls Pythons, they would have to be the same size or the much smaller one would spend it`s time terrified.

even if they were ball pythons of the same size they would still need to be permanently housed separately.

to the OP, you need to keep those snakes separate for many reasons, one being the fact that they are different species from different parts of the world and have different environmental requirements. do some research and please dont kill those things.

02-03-10, 10:12 AM
I`m a kepper that houses pairs Julian, controversial as that is to some people. I have plenty of experiance with snakes, and with keeping pairs together. It`s not something I`d recommend to begginers, I think a honed recognition of snake behaivour is a must for doing this. I know the pros, I know the cons, I also know that contrary to some keepers opinions, housing two similar sized snakes of the same species doesn`t result in immediate trouble, providing they are male and female of course. Sure, if there is an infectious disease present, both will get it, but as for competition for resources and fighting, it just doesn`t happen in the majority of cases in my experience, obviously providing species has been taken into account. I`d prefer not to get into a big long winded debate on it but surfice as to say, plenty of keepers house pairs together succesfully, providing certain criteria are met and a trained eye is kept on them at first, there isn`t a problem. Ball Pythons and Kingsnakes though.... Obvious huge problem.

02-03-10, 11:10 AM
if one truly acquired a honed recognition for snake behaviour then they would understand that they should be housed separately. if youre housing a pair of balls in an enclosure that measures the recommended size for a single adult animal then there is definitely competition going on and stress being caused. we can debate this for hours but in the end people do what they want with their animals regardless of the facts and the opinion of others.

if, in your opinion, you know this is a controversial method and not something you would recommend for beginners then please dont.

02-03-10, 12:06 PM
I didn`t. I`ve offered to help. You obviously think your opinions are fact so end of discussion. There are plenty of keepers that keep pairs together, and who said I was keep two Royals in an enclosure suitable for only one? Eh? Because I didn`t. I simply will not have a discussion aboot this with someone that so single mindedly thinks they`re way is the only way. I`m really not interested in arguing on this, or any forum, I`m here to help and I`m here to enjoy the forum, I`m not here to listen to your one sided, intollerant, ill informed nonsense. Lets leave it there, I`m sure we`ve both got better things to do than argue.

02-03-10, 01:07 PM
even if they were both Balls Pythons, they would have to be the same size or the much smaller one would spend it`s time terrified.

do you not suggest in this quote that it is fine to house a pair of balls together?

in this quote you are talking about ball pythons and suggesting that pairs of similar size may be housed together. i disagree with this and offer my own opinion.

because i disagree with your opinion that it is fine to house multiple snakes permanently together that makes me closed minded?

I didn`t. I`ve offered to help. You obviously think your opinions are fact so end of discussion. There are plenty of keepers that keep pairs together, and who said I was keep two Royals in an enclosure suitable for only one? Eh? Because I didn`t. I simply will not have a discussion aboot this with someone that so single mindedly thinks they`re way is the only way. I`m really not interested in arguing on this, or any forum, I`m here to help and I`m here to enjoy the forum, I`m not here to listen to your one sided, intollerant, ill informed nonsense. Lets leave it there, I`m sure we`ve both got better things to do than argue.

you did. im helping as well. i've never said anybody has to agree with my opinions and can definitely differentiate fact from my own opinion. i dont care what you keep, im replying to what you said. my way has evolved many times through the years so i am obviously always open to new ideas. you continue to say you are not interested and will not discuss this topic that you so strongly believe in yet you have not produced any real facts or convincing opinions. stating weak opinions without any explanation is really no help to the OP or anyone for that matter. your opinion of my view, character and knowledge is the true ignorant one so lets leave it here. obviously i dont have better things to do todays as i have responded to almost every single ignorant point you have made.

now lets get back on topic shall we?

02-03-10, 01:39 PM
I really cannot be bothered mate, I really can`t. You can sling your insults around as much as you want, I really don`t care. You have already stated that you aren`t interested in my opinions by stating that yours is fact and telling me I`m not keeping my charges correctly. I will not argue on the internet with you, you can call me names and tell me I`m an idiot all you want. The "Facts" are that people keep snakes in both ways, as pairs or singley, and neither one of those keeping practices are right or wrong, they are simply different. By your rational all my snakes should be dead/suffering and they certainly aren`t. Unfortunatly for new snake keepers, there is no shortage of people, like yourself, who are willing to argue that thier way of keeping snakes is the ONLY way to keep snakes,and that everyone else is wrong. In the mean time the new keeper is left staring at a screen full of insults and accusations of ignorance that I won`t be part of. I would rather inform the new keeper of all the various options and practices and leave them to form thier own opinions once they have gained enough knowledge of snake keeping. This forum has been a breath of fresh air for me, I enjoy it here and don`t wish to exchange insults with you or anyone else, so yes, by all means, get back to helping the new snake keeper. I have zero time for playground insulting games.

02-03-10, 02:17 PM
hehehe you're in your own little world over there mate.;)

02-03-10, 03:06 PM
Yep, as I say, not interested, as above...

02-03-10, 04:43 PM
i just brought a new snake and it a albino California king snake and its a girl but she a baby and i got a ball python that i had for a year i was wondering if i could put them in the same tank together because i know that my ball python is really friendly i dont think he/she wont try to kill the albino so what should i do Hello and Welcome! You never want to keep king snakes with any other snake, as they will eat other snake. They will even eat other king snakes. And please don't let this guys scare you off they only mean to help. We are just a passionated bunch when it comes to our believes. You can still learn a lot from everyone here. So feel free to ask any question you may have. I am sure someone can help. Oh and i love to see pictures of your king snake. And like Feebo said you should always research any reptile before buying. This way you can have everything set up right.

02-03-10, 04:57 PM
I dont know. I have an Albino Cal king male and there little. I would look that up. Good luck!!

02-03-10, 06:51 PM
Oh kings will eat anything they can. My fiance's kingsnake, Elvis, tried several times to eat my fingers. It didn't really hurt, it was just amusing to see him trying so darned hard...lol.

02-03-10, 09:09 PM
I'm going to leave a few things here alone, but to the original poster, DO NOT under any circumstances put them together, PLEASE.

02-04-10, 12:41 PM
no i know not to put them in the same tank i was just asking and i dont have two pythons i have one albino California king snake and the other one is a ball python but now look my ball python wont come out all he do is sit under the log everyday and night i dont know if he sick or just plane lazy lol and he rejected its food the other week..... next question i feed MY BALL PYTHON frozen rats and he didnt want to eat it so i left it in their but still nothing can i refeeze it then try again another time or throw the rats away and bye new ones because i dont if thats ok to do:Wow:

02-04-10, 12:45 PM
thank u for ur advice i will do that but they both not pythons one is a albino snake and the other one is a python

Good 'N Plenty
02-04-10, 03:01 PM
i just brought a new snake and it a albino California king snake and its a girl but she a baby and i got a ball python that i had for a year i was wondering if i could put them in the same tank together because i know that my ball python is really friendly i dont think he/she wont try to kill the albino so what should i do

All issues aside, I'll keep it short and instead answer with a few questions -

1) Why buy a snake BEFORE you are sure of how you will house it?
2) What reason do you feel keeps you from being able to provide them with seperate enclosures?

If you cant afford another tank, then odds are you should not be out buying more snakes at the current time.

Third and "Big Question":

3) If you CAN provide the seperate housing, my question is why WOULDN'T you?

Edited to add: *Clearly I feel individual housing is the way to go on this issue*

02-04-10, 06:57 PM
Hey I have a question I just bought a 7 to 8 foot redtail boa and he yawns alot humitdy is fine and so are the temps I thought it was because he was in shed but he still does it he shedded all in one piece :-) and he also like flinches/jerks for no reason can any 1 tell my y..? Thx srry to get off topic dident kno how to start my own thread. Thx.

02-05-10, 05:22 AM
There`s a tab on the left that says "New thread" :) Have you checked his mouth? He might have a foriegn body in there, check both sides of each row of teeth. As for the twitching, when exactly does he do it? When your near the tank I suppose if you`re seeing it? I think I`d like to explore normal reasons first instead of presuming somethings wrong being as I can`t see him. Could he be jumping at your footsteps, shadows or something else that is happening when you go near the tank? If it`s when you`re holding him, nervous snakes will do that until they realise you`re not out to hurt them. I`ve got a Boa I have to be careful with, he doesn`t like being moved near to unfamiliar objects when I`m holding him, too close and he`ll flinch, I`m trying to calm him so I avoid walking around the room while holding him. If he`s doing it while in the tank, what does the flinch look like? Is it a quick retreat into an "S" position? Does he do it once? Or a few times in quick succesion? If you`re able to upload a video to youtube we could have a look..... :) Ummmm.... DONNYBOY.... we realise one is an Albino Kingsnake and one is a Ball Python mate, that`s why we`re telling you NOT to do it, because they are very different species which should NEVER be housed together. Put them in seperate tanks ! If you don`t have seperate tanks, well, I don`t know what to say to that, take one back to where you got it and tell them you bought a snake with no way to house it...

02-06-10, 07:46 AM
ok look i been feed my ball python frozen rats for two months now last week i brought two frozen rats and i put it in hot water and every thing then when it was time to feed him i put him in his feeding tank then i garbed the frozen rat and shacked it a little for like 30 mins but he never went for it so i left rat in the tank for a hour still didnt eat it so i was woundering if its ok if i just put the rat back in the freezer and try another time or throw that rat away and get new wons

02-06-10, 08:03 AM
You shouldn't refreeze rats as they build up bacteria as soon as they are thawed out which could make your snake sick. Just give it to your king snake and if he won't eat it, throw it out and try again with fresh ones next time.

02-06-10, 11:44 AM
Most snakes dont come out alot. At least mine dont. My Albino Kingsnake really never comes out unless he is ready to eat. You cant refreeze put it in the frig. But you can only feed your snake that rat the next day or you have to throw it out because they go bad. Hope this helps!

02-06-10, 02:12 PM
Also if your snake doesn`t take the rat, make sure it is at least still a little warm, you Ball python can see it`s heat signiture when it`s warm, that may help. You can "Brain" the rat aswell, that just means exposing the brain. I use a clean knife (I disinfect it every time) Push the tip of the blade into the top of the rats head and twist it, that exposes the brain matter and creates a smell that they often cannot resist. Make sure you aren`t scaring your snake with it, put it down and give it a wiggle with forcepts, if he won`t eat, try leaving it in there over night, some snakes are shy eaters. What you can also try is putting the snake in a small container with the rat (heated of course) The close proximity often goes some way toward helping. If they don`t eat, the rat gets wasted in my house, it most certainly isn`t worth the risk. I chuck them out of my snake room window ! lol There are a lot of Buzzards where I live and they usually spot them and take them away within an hour lol ;D

02-06-10, 03:04 PM
hahaha givin back to the environment eh?

oh wow i sound Canadian hahaha ;)

02-06-10, 03:13 PM
Ahhhh Sean you are Canadian. Lol eh! Lol Thats so cool! Lol

02-06-10, 03:40 PM
hahaha SHHHH!!! i was trying to hide my Canadian...ness but i guess its inevitable lol eh? hahaha:D

02-06-10, 03:59 PM
Oh lol. Shhhhh!! Your so not Canadian. Hahahaha! Eh is still cool! Hahahaha! :P

02-06-10, 04:15 PM
if your snake doesnt eat it the first day throw it away bacteria issues can occur never refreeze

02-07-10, 12:22 AM
thanks yall for the advise

02-07-10, 01:44 AM
No I just play Xbox n I'll b watchin the screen n outta the corner of my eye I see him jerk nothings loud no shadows. It's a quick jerk n he does not go into the strike position. Thx feebo

02-07-10, 05:49 AM
If you`re playing with an xbox in a darkened room that could well be it. He may be jumping at sudden flashes and light changes. You might want to try and avoid that if you can, a snake that`s constantly on edge will end up a sick snake.....

02-08-10, 02:04 AM
O ok thank you I'll block the tv. Is it normal for them to yawn often. ..?

02-08-10, 05:59 AM
Not repeatedly when they haven`t just been fed no. If he`s yawning again and again he may have a foreign body in his mouth, if that`s the case, you`ll want to check his mouth, looking either side of and in between the teeth. I`ve seen my snakes use thier tongues to shift a bit of fluff or other foreign body from thier mouths, does he look like he`s trying to shift something? If it`s the xbox making him jump, just open the curtains ! lol you won`t be causing lots of flashing then. If you`re playing at night you might want to consider playing elsewhere dude, your snake needs some peace and quiet at some point, I try not to bother my snakes at night at all. I have a snake room so that`s not going to be practical for you, but you get the idea... Saying that, have you got plenty of hides in your snake tank? He should be able to hide in any number of places if somethings bothering him. I have a large plastic dome shaped "half log", my biggest Ball python is quite at home under that. I also provide a large pile of fake greenery so she can traverse the tank under a bit of cover if she wants to. Providing hides at both ends or all over the tank is a good idea, especially for Ball pythons, they need to be able to feel very secure to be stress free. In the wild they spend a lot of time in the burrows of other creatures, so when keeping them in captivity it`s good practice to provide lots of hides and a slightly smaller tank than usual for that size of snake in any other species. :) Forums are great places for learning about your snakes, but I also spend a lot of time reading anything I can find about any given species on the internet by looking up care sheets and asking specific questions in Google, the more you read the better I think. There`s a lot of conflicting information where snakes are concerned, it`s not easy for the complete begginer for this reason, that`s why I think it`s important to take in as much as you can from many different sources and at least be aware of the different practices and opinions in the snake keeping world :) Sorry.... I babble sometimes lol :) I could talk snake all day....