View Full Version : Sick???

01-26-10, 06:08 PM
If I am sick and I handle my snake will they get sick from me? Or will they be okay?:confused:

01-26-10, 06:36 PM
Your snakes will be fine. They can't catch human diseases. While they do get upper respiratory infections, the bacteria and viruses that cause the disease in snakes are different.

01-26-10, 06:39 PM
OKay thank you

01-26-10, 09:25 PM
Snake and people both get sick, but not from each other. There are no illnesses or parasites that are human-reptile specific.
Though I do think a few of my snakes have herpes after having my brother over to watch my collection while my wife and I were on vacation.
'Nother story for another day.

01-27-10, 09:58 AM
Lol, Mykee!!

01-28-10, 02:52 PM
I`ve always tried not to do much in the snake room if I`m proper ill so this is interesting to read. There actually isn`t ANYTHING you can pass to a snake? Well that`s good.... :)

01-28-10, 03:07 PM
I know right. I thought they woul be like birds and get sick if you touch them or are around them.

01-28-10, 04:26 PM
LOL @ Mykee that pretty much made my day hahahaha :D

01-28-10, 09:18 PM
There is NOTHING that you can transmit to snakes, or vice versa. Except maybe herpes, we'll find out...

01-28-10, 10:20 PM
ROFL! post some pics? hehehehe

01-28-10, 11:36 PM
that would be pretty intresting, haha

01-29-10, 09:02 AM
Hahahaah, Mykee...you're too much *rotfl*

01-29-10, 10:56 PM
If I am sick and I handle my snake will they get sick from me? Or will they be okay?:confused:

Hope YOU are feeling better.

This whole house just had the flu.

01-30-10, 09:56 AM
Yeah Thanks Wayne. I got the flu too.

01-30-10, 11:19 AM
ugh i got hit with h1n1 or the swine flu right before xmas this year... not too fun, hope you feel better, and hope everyone is doing better wayne!

01-30-10, 11:21 AM
Oh man! I just have the normal Flu! H1n1 is bad!! Good thing its better

01-30-10, 11:22 AM
thanks i missed my entire reading week, basically a week off from college too :( lol hope you feel better though at least you can take out your snakes! lol :P

01-30-10, 11:25 AM
Hahahaha! I know!!! I was home all week too.

01-30-10, 02:05 PM
This thing here starts out with cold sweats, no appetite (food is just plain un appealing) then moves into the back muscles, drains all energy causing one to sleep most of the time, then it move into the intestinal tract.....

My kids seem immune, but both adults have been hammered hard.

My poor little snakies miss the constant attention, I have been forcing myself to feed and provide at least minimal care.

I have most of my energy back, so I will be spending a lot of time feeding tonight.

The mouse colonies, I have no choice, if they do not get fed every day, they will do horrible things to each other.

But yes we are on the mend. Thanks for the concern.

01-30-10, 03:39 PM
H1N1 is just another strain of flu. Like the "regular" flu, it is mostly not deadly, unless you are very young, very old, or immune compromised. I really don't understand why people are freaking out so much about it; it's just the flu. I had H1N1 back in November, and while it sucked, it was just a bad case of flu. I normally get sick for 2-3 days and am back on my feet and fine. This thing knocked me down for a whole week- chills, sweats, headache, nausea, aches everywhere. I called in to my school's student health center and they said just to rest and not to worry too much, as it was hitting Philly so hard they couldnt' keep on top of it. I was ok though, and imagine most people are when they get it.
IMO, get the regular flu shot if you're going to get one- it protects against the 10 most common strains of flu this season, while the H1N1 shot protects against ONLY H1N1 and nothing else.

01-30-10, 07:10 PM
Yeah the Flu sucks! I feel like I am going to die. My whole body hurts. Its not fun

01-30-10, 11:00 PM
you cant give your snakes any diseases but some snakes and lizards can give you salmonella, we had an interesting discussion on another forum about this a while ago. I had never heard of it, but a well known vet over here did confirm this for me. Just thought i would share

01-30-10, 11:29 PM
Confirmed, My son smashed his thumb and I had to take him to the doctor.

He's 10 and brags about our snakes everywhere he goes, and Doc said to keep him away from the reptiles until he is healed.

I asked why, and the answer was.....you guessed it, salmonella.

01-31-10, 12:29 AM
yeah the h1n1 has less deaths statistically than the regular strain of influenza lol either way = not fun haha

01-31-10, 11:49 AM
Wow! Lol that doctor is funny! Lol.

01-31-10, 11:50 AM
Well are people smart and wash their hands after handling snakes. I mean I wash my hands before and after handling my snakes.

01-31-10, 04:35 PM
I wash between each handling, so I don't cross contaminate snakes.

01-31-10, 07:49 PM
I wash between each handling, so I don't cross contaminate snakes.

I do as well, it's really the best thing to do if you have multiple snakes.