View Full Version : Jungle Carpet Python

01-24-10, 01:57 PM
Just came home today from the Expo with a year and half old female Jungle Carpet Python!!! Will be posting pictures soon:yes:

01-24-10, 03:12 PM
Oh wow, congrats! Good choice- carpets are the best! And jungle carpets have such beautiful colors. Best of luck with her; definitely post pictures as soon as you can. I can't wait to see your new addition!

01-24-10, 03:13 PM
Here she is. I think she is so beautiful.:yes:





01-24-10, 03:14 PM
Thanks Kim!!!

01-24-10, 03:15 PM
WOW!! SHE IS HOTTTTTTTT!!!!! Definitely a gorgeous example of a jungle- LOVE that deep yellow, and her pattern looks really clean too. How's her temperament?

01-24-10, 03:18 PM
She is a little jumpy. But I can unerstand. Right know she is just checking out her new home. I know isnt she pretty. Lol

01-24-10, 03:22 PM
Well she will probably be jumpy until she settles in. My female jungle is 2, and she was nervous and twitchy the first week, so I really didn't handle her. I've had her for two months now and she' calm and curious now.

01-24-10, 03:27 PM
Mine is so curious. I have to watch her because I was listening to her. And she sounds like she is whistling sometimes when she breaths. So I will keep a close eye on her an if I keep hearing it I will bring her to a vet. But other wise her body is clean she seems happy. So I am happy

01-24-10, 03:28 PM
wow hill im really jealous :( lol thats a sweet looking snake and setup lol if only i had more room hahaha you could just consider me africa! haha :D

01-24-10, 03:32 PM
Hahahaha! Yeah both my snakes are in my room right now. I will have to live on the floor soon. LOL

01-24-10, 03:33 PM
And dont be jealous!!! You will get a snake. Dont worry! :)

01-24-10, 03:34 PM
lol maybe a hoggie? :D

01-24-10, 03:36 PM
Hahahaha! You should have seen my moms face. Lol. She was omg!! What did you do and she was like give my dad the evil eye. Hahahahaha!

01-24-10, 03:43 PM
hahaha thats awesome! i wish i had room for a carpet but being in college for now i think i should probably keep animals to a minimum, at least until i get a larger place for them all lol :) although if i got a burm or retic my gf may not be too impressed about feeding time as she has 2 bunnies lol :P

01-24-10, 03:55 PM
Hahahahaha! Yeah she is eating small rats. For now. :P

01-24-10, 04:08 PM
lol thats awesome how big is her enclosure?

01-24-10, 04:37 PM
Mine is so curious. I have to watch her because I was listening to her. And she sounds like she is whistling sometimes when she breaths. So I will keep a close eye on her an if I keep hearing it I will bring her to a vet. But other wise her body is clean she seems happy. So I am happy

very nice jungle mate much better quality than the ones on offer in the uk.we have to travel to europe for the german bloodlines of jungle to get the yellow as nice as that.keep an eye on the whistling when she breathes as imo its the first sign of an r.i. i had a jungle that whistled from one nostril as she had a bit shed stuck up it.the vet and i had to reverse flush it out with a catheter.might be worth checking the inside of her mouth for mouth rot as that would be a sure sign of an on going r.i.if in any doubt then get the vet to give her a health check.jungles are one of my favourite carpets.
cheers shaun

01-24-10, 06:07 PM
Mine is so curious. I have to watch her because I was listening to her. And she sounds like she is whistling sometimes when she breaths. So I will keep a close eye on her an if I keep hearing it I will bring her to a vet. But other wise her body is clean she seems happy. So I am happy
Congratulation on your new snake. She one beautiful jungle! Now you won't be able to stop at just one. Carpet are addictive. My jungle make a noise that sounds like a wheeze or hiss. She only does it when being held. I had her check by the only vet that would look at her around here. He said it was nothing to worry about unless it got worst. That was 7 years ago and she still does it every now and then.Then a month or so ago on Aussie python and snake.com they were talking about how carpet (mostly jungle and coastal) do this when stress or pissed off. I got to thinking about it and she always do it when she doesn't want to go back in her cage or wants to go one direction and i won't let her. But i would still get her check out just to be safe.

01-24-10, 06:36 PM
Thank you. She is very pretty. I will watch her. If it doesnt get better I will go to the vet. But she might just be stressed. I mean I would be stressed to. Imean she went from her home to the Expo to my house. Alot of stress

01-24-10, 06:44 PM
Her home is 50 gallons. Slidding glass doors!!

01-24-10, 06:45 PM
lol i really wanna make myself an enclosure soon just as a side project to keep me occupied lol Xbox 360 can only go so far during college days, hehehe:D

01-24-10, 06:50 PM
Omg I love X-box 360. But I never have time. Lol I only have like 4 games. I need more though. I just got it for Christmas. LOL