View Full Version : Canadian Aquarium and Terrarium Animal Keepers Association (CATAKA)

Web Wheeler
01-23-10, 02:10 PM
I would like to propose an association of Canadian aquarium and terrarium animal keepers to represent Canadian aquarium and terrarium hobbyists in the press and legislative matters, to create and provide educational materials on aquarium and terrarium animal care and to develop responsible standards concerning the keeping of aquarium and terrarium animals.

While there is a Canadian pet industry advocacy association, called PIJAC Canada, there is currently no hobbyists-based advocacy association, like USARK, in Canada. As recent events in the United States demonstrate, a Canadian hobbyists-based advocacy association is urgently needed to allow Canadian aquarium and terrarium enthusiasts to have a say in matters which affect their hobby.

I've also taken the additional steps toward organizing such an association by starting a website here:

Canadian Aquarium and Terrarium Animal Keepers Association (CATAKA) (http://aqua-terra-vita.net/cataka/)

and a Facebook page here:

CATAKA Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=263198529023&ref=nf)

I welcome your comments, and please invite all your Canadian aquarium and terrarium animal keeping friends to join!

01-23-10, 03:59 PM
i think its a great idea and a positive start to voicing our opinions in legislative matters! Kudos!