View Full Version : G'day

01-12-10, 04:46 AM
G'day everyone I'm new to world of herps and to this forum. Please forgive any dumb questions I might have. I've loved snakes since I was a child but always thought it was difficult to get a reptile keepers licence - until I recently found out how easy it was. I am waiting on my licence and my hatchlings (high yellow diamond pythons) and want to be armed with as much knowledge as possible.

1 Are there any long or short term problems or defects resulting from breeding siblings?

2 Is it a big no-no? Or is it common?

01-13-10, 03:41 PM
Hello and welcome! I don't breed, but i am pretty sure it's a big no no. i am sure some one around here can help.

01-15-10, 08:34 AM
Inbreeding Reptiles (http://www.reptilechannel.com/lizards/breeding-lizards/inbreeding-reptiles.aspx)