View Full Version : Wayne's Garter Snake Photo thread
01-07-10, 01:28 AM
Axanthic (blue phase) Thamnophis Radix
Our 2 "normal" red sided garter snakes
I love this guys FAT yellow stripe
01-07-10, 01:29 AM
Snowflake pounds a pinkie mouse.
My yearling wandering garter snake....
Sky doing what he does best.....
This fella is on fire, look at the way his nose is coloring up.
01-07-10, 01:32 AM
Albino Red Sided "Kansas Strain" (outcrossed)
Melanistic Eastern
Coastal Ribbon snake
Thamnophis Radix - Iowa Snow morph.
01-07-10, 06:08 PM
Beautiful snakes!:shocked: But OMG that albino :eek: with it's nose on fire just rocks. :cool: The pattern on it is amazing. :D
01-07-10, 06:51 PM
That one is called a "Christmas Radix"
Produced by crossing a high red radix with an albino radix.
The snow on the paper towel eating the pink is from the same bloodlines.
There is also a Ghost radix, and right now the stripe is really faint, I am told in a year he will be pinkish white (typical for animals with no pigment) but have a powder white stripe with powder white speckles.
01-16-10, 09:30 PM
guess I need to post some pics of my garters here too....
01-24-10, 08:15 AM
guess I need to post some pics of my garters here too....
Hello Don!! Glad to see you around. Took you long enough to post on here.(JK)
Anyways here is some more photos.
01-24-10, 01:59 PM
R.I.P. RUSTY! I am sorry to here you lost him! He will be missed. Also amazing lookin snakes!!
02-25-10, 09:04 AM
I took some more last night in the snake room.
02-25-10, 09:07 AM
Good 'N Plenty
02-25-10, 01:05 PM
I never cease to be amazed at the variety of patterns out there in these guys! Simply stunning!
02-25-10, 01:29 PM
So beautiful! I really like Sky and the erythrystic flame. I never realized there was so very much variety in garter snakes. I'm very impressed!
The flame is smokin'! hehe....but seriously, you're killing me with the garters here, I'm going to have to get some. :P
02-25-10, 02:44 PM
so far I have been lucky with the flames, most never turn such shades of red.
The Erythristic flame, I cherry picked from the breeder. (he was less than pleased)
Thanks all!
Amazing collection of garters. I have been wanting a new garter for some time now, just too many cool snakes to choose from to make a decision :)
02-26-10, 03:16 AM
You really got me interested in these guys, how big do they get and are they for the experienced snake lovers only?
02-26-10, 09:15 AM
Thamnophis A.K.A. Garter Snakes average 20-30 inches long.. Small snakes by most peoples standards.
They are super easy to care for once they make it past the baby stage.
The delicate first couple months after birth are the only time they are even remotely close to difficult to care for.
If you buy a well started baby that is feeding already they are a breeze to keep.
I will post some care sheet information for you guys, since this seems to be sparking some interest on the forum.
02-27-10, 12:31 AM
Im going to an expo next weekend and im really curious to see if they got these guys in S.A. ive never taken much interest in snakes after my failure with corns and i know they easy snakes, i would love to have a couple of snakes but im just not very confident with them. My texas rat snakes was a success think my corns where just really small to start off with.
02-27-10, 10:17 AM
Wow the last guy with the red wow. Amazing!!!
02-27-10, 11:29 AM
infernalis those are some amazing little guys.i only keep morelia (carpet pythons) but you have really opened my mind up to a few of these guys.i have never seen as vibrant colours,your flame is something to look at,so was the little guy with the hot nose ! every time i scrolled down i thought oh thats my favorite,then oh wait a minute thats my the end i just cant choose.also ive never been much into full back striped patterns,but again these guys have made me think again.keeping my carpets always causes me issues with finding space for them all as adults.i could keep a few of these guys in the space set aside for 1 adult may have a convert on your hands here.thank you for sharing your pictures.
cheers shaun
02-27-10, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the kind words, believe it or not the founder of this forum "Boots" is an avid Garter snake keeper.
03-05-10, 08:18 AM
the snows.... Thing about white snakes, they get dirty and it shows.
"Stubs" the snake that was born without a tail. (breeder gave him to me free with the above snake)
05-14-10, 05:56 PM
Some new pics of my Infernalis boys. They think they are vipers!
And my Melanistic Eastern Garter (Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis)
05-16-10, 06:06 PM
i just seen one the other day at the park down the street that looked very similar to the one in the top 1 pics but not with the blue green coulor it was more of a light brown, would have like to catch him but he got away while i was stopping on my mountian bike.
since you started posting pics of garters i have grown to really like them , now i got my eyes peeled for them when i go out jogging and riding at the parks and whatnot lol going to catch me one this year :P
I just love the last few pics you posted of these lil ones!
05-16-10, 08:20 PM
Thanks - Gets a little busy at feeding time!
since you started posting pics of garters i have grown to really like them , now i got my eyes peeled for them when i go out jogging and riding at the parks and whatnot lol going to catch me one this year :P
Just please try your best to get a male, the ratio in the wild is skewed heavily toward males, and females are usually gravid this time of year.
05-17-10, 03:06 AM
ill post a thread if i get lucky, my dad said he found a nest site last year at that park must have been around a thousand snakes all slithering over each other and grouped up, he said it looked like a 10-15 square foot spot was just moving but my mum put a stop to him taking any home lol .he was looking at pics and pointed a few from the breeders you linked awhile back when i asked you about them. not sure if they nest in the same spots year to year but i figure its worth a shot to get him to show me where he seen them. if ill catch a female ill let it go then.
05-17-10, 08:38 AM
to answer your question, yes they do return to the same den sites year after year.
That is why it is devastating when these dens get destroyed....
05-17-10, 12:28 PM
ah, ya i could see that if they destroyed that nest site, just that one site would be devistating,yet alone clear cutting half the foerest and destroying thousands of nest sites.... realy sad what we do to are wildlife for $
05-17-10, 01:27 PM
Freebody there are quite a few breeders of garter snakes; why don't you just buy one from a breeder and then you wouldn't be upsetting the natural population at all?
05-23-10, 12:02 AM
Anerythristic "red sided" (Thamnophis Sirtalis Parietalis) . Even though the species is called red sided, Anery specimens have no red pigment. This yearling is sizing up nicely.
05-23-10, 02:07 PM
i was thinking of it, to tell you the truth most likley i wont catch one but it is rather tempting when they look so nice,free and slithering across your path :P
i seen a few so far this year and i didnt catch them so, ya its safe to say im not going to get one. but im a big fan now thats for sure.
06-02-10, 09:37 AM
06-23-10, 01:17 PM
Cheech - the mexican garter snake.
New baby Infernalis female....
06-23-10, 01:21 PM
Kind of want a garter snake now.
06-23-10, 04:10 PM
Kind of want a garter snake now.
I hear that a lot lately:freakedout:
06-23-10, 05:17 PM
hehehe youve converted everyone eh wayne? lol i'm sure i'll pick a few up at some point lol :P
06-23-10, 05:24 PM
Yep, even the guy that said "no way bro" is asking about them now.
06-23-10, 06:42 PM
Mayest instead of my albino ball that I plan on getting when I get my house.....ill get one of these, every pic I see makes me want one more!
06-23-10, 08:18 PM
hehehe youve converted everyone eh wayne? ...
Not everyone. Not even close.
06-23-10, 08:37 PM
Not everyone. Not even close.
Nice to hear someone saying that, I thought that maybe ssnakess was becoming some kind of garter snake cult......
06-23-10, 08:44 PM
Nice to hear someone saying that, I thought that maybe ssnakess was becoming some kind of garter snake cult......
We are a Herp Cult ;)
06-23-10, 09:02 PM
Ahh, no need to roll your eyes, just making a joke.
06-23-10, 09:07 PM
Ahh, no need to roll your eyes, just making a joke.
No problem. Wasn't quite sure how to take it (the remark)
Funny thing is, both "staff members" (admin and myself) we own the two biggest garter snake forums on the net.:cool:
06-23-10, 09:17 PM
LOL, it isn't hard to tell that you may like garters. :D
We each have out favourites, the ones we just couldn't live without. Yours is garters (I think ;) ). And I also think that it is good that you have got others interested in a snake that often goes over looked. It is always nice to open peoples eyes to something new. I have favourites but really just love all reptiles.
06-23-10, 09:33 PM
We have lizards, My favorite is my Savannah, he has a hell of a personality, My Chinese green snake is awesome, Not really moved by the BP, but the kids love him, The milks and corn are awesome, just not real active.
My favorite part of all this is helping out others, regardless of what animal they need help with.
Besides, if we were all into the same things, it would get boring.
06-23-10, 09:39 PM
Besides, if we were all into the same things, it would get boring.
I agree 110%. There are animals that I know that I will never own, but love to see them in other people homes or pics they took of them.
06-23-10, 10:34 PM
I agree 110%. There are animals that I know that I will never own, but love to see them in other people homes or pics they took of them.
Hots and giant pythons....Love looking at them. Just not in my collections.
06-23-10, 11:51 PM
Back on topic. This fella is named "badass" he tags my hands constantly.
06-24-10, 03:17 AM
Not everyone. Not even close.
I agree. Over the years i owned over 30 some snakes and only one that wasn't a python or boa. (albino cornsnake) Don't get me wrong there are some really cool snakes and lizards out there. I love looking at pictures of them, and talking about, and learning about other reptiles, but when it comes to owning i am a boa and python kind of guy. That what makes site like this so cool you can learn about new and different reptiles. Maybe even find something new you like. P.S. garter are cool,:rolleyes: but carpets rule!:D lol
06-24-10, 07:33 AM
i think vipers are awsome but i will never own hots.i dont trust myself not to get tagged.the green one with the gold eyes on one of waynes posts just says it all really.megs eyelash vipers are really nice too.
cheers shaun
06-24-10, 08:04 AM
One of the things I like about here VS the Thamnophis forum is the diversity of animals we discuss.
Not to mention the warm welcoming atmosphere.
06-24-10, 10:10 AM
Not everyone. Not even close.
not to hijack the thread but out of curiosity, what is your favorite species Aaron? I've always wondered because you know quite a bit about snakes and reptiles lol
06-24-10, 01:21 PM
is it just me or does that look like a block of something turning into snakes:yes:
cheers shaun
06-24-10, 06:39 PM
That's the roof to a ceramic cottage, the square part got broke, so I use the roof part for a snake hide.
Little snakies just love it.
06-25-10, 02:13 AM
This gal is huge by garter snake standards....
06-25-10, 02:39 PM
Nice pics. The last one she looks like pure evil.
06-25-10, 07:32 PM
Nice pics. The last one she looks like pure evil.
She's one of the most docile, tolerant of handling, sweethearts I have ever encountered.
She will pluck fuzzy mice right from my hand ever so gracefully.
What a Doll.
Now if she were to bite, it would have to hurt, her head is twice as wide as any other garter I have.
06-25-10, 07:34 PM
what kind of garter is she? i'm going to guess eastern perhaps?
06-25-10, 08:09 PM
what kind of garter is she? i'm going to guess eastern perhaps?
you guessed correctly.
The morphs are all pretty and that, but some of the coolest snakes I have are the normals.
06-28-10, 07:29 AM
Snow in June........
.: Laura :.
07-03-10, 02:00 PM
I think Wane should send me a snow for my unbirthday present :D
07-11-10, 03:45 AM
07-11-10, 04:01 AM
Haha that last one looks like a bit of a pig lol he is smashing the fish down
07-11-10, 07:56 AM
Haha that last one looks like a bit of a pig lol he is smashing the fish down
He's one heck of an eater, that's for sure.
So little though, I anxiously await him growing a bit so I can switch him over to pinks.
07-11-10, 07:23 PM
Wow hes a lot smaller than i thought he was. How old is he?
07-11-10, 08:04 PM
Wow hes a lot smaller than i thought he was. How old is he?
About 1 month old, got a deal on him as "non feeder" so he never ate until 2 weeks ago.
07-11-10, 08:56 PM
Yeah they can be fun when purchased as non feeders, i bought a pair last year and lost one as he had not eaten for over a month and kept regurgitatiing when force fed. It was very sad as i thought i had him going, but alas he died. Its always a good feeling when you do get em going strong!!!
07-12-10, 06:17 AM
Most of my garter collection started out as non feeders. I couldn't afford it otherwise.
It has it's ups and downs... Lose a few every year but the ones that make it are worth doing it.
07-12-10, 07:52 AM
I know what your saying i have lost 6 neonates due to this over the years. Its always a sad day when you do, but you can only do so much. I got a surprise with one of my tigers as he would not eat feeder fish scented with quail embryo (which they absolutely love the quail)when i first got him. He was a bit larger than that garter of yours, but I decided to throw him a very small mice pinky i had out of a litter on a whim. To my suprise he smashed and has never looked back. It was moment i wont forget and he is definetely one of my favourites now.
07-12-10, 08:44 AM
Most start eating for me the day they arrive ;)
I net tiny minnows from my creek. They love the little flopping fish, if I put 2-3 tadpoles in the feeder box with a few tiny fish, the snakes usually eat it all, then I can wean them off the tadpoles quickly.
I just lost an albino that had a full belly, so I have to assume other factors also play into the equation of failure to thrive.
07-12-10, 08:55 AM
Ah you have the treats for them when they arrive. You must be like the ice cream man to them lol. Must be good to have the main ingredients to a full and happy garter at your door for the small price of your own time.
I have learnt some tricks along the way with a few difficult feeders from different species ( i still need help with a lot of species, you only learn from your own experience and other peoples advice ), but you still have the odd one that doesnt want to help themselves to a good feed.
Im sorry to hear about your albino.
07-18-10, 10:38 PM
07-18-10, 10:48 PM
Wow i really like the solid stripe on the first one and the second is amazing once again!!!
07-18-10, 10:50 PM
I like the red and blue ones
07-18-10, 11:29 PM
The first one is anerythristic. They look nice even without colour.
The red one is an eastern garter (Myrtle beach erythristic X Canadian high red flame)
07-19-10, 07:05 AM
I think Wane should send me a snow for my unbirthday present :D
if he's going to go to all that trouble then i think it would be best if he put my present in with would save him doing it all twice:yes::yes::yes:
flame and sky would do just not greedy after all
cheers shaun
07-19-10, 07:07 AM
too bad I can't cross a flame with sky, make a litter of sunsets.!
07-19-10, 08:09 AM
too bad I can't cross a flame with sky, make a litter of sunsets.!
please excuse my ignorance as i should probaly know this but is sky and flame the same sex ?
have you got any pictures of sunsets as they sound very nice
cheers shaun
07-19-10, 08:28 AM
please excuse my ignorance as i should probaly know this but is sky and flame the same sex ?
have you got any pictures of sunsets as they sound very nice
cheers shaun
I have a male flame, and a female flame.
Sky is a boy, but wrong species of garter to cross with flames.
07-23-10, 03:15 AM
07-23-10, 06:45 AM
That last one looks like "hmmmm.... what's for dinner??"
07-24-10, 02:16 AM
07-24-10, 09:41 PM
Wayne... I may be bugging you for some caresheets etc. for garters... if the fiance is cool with it, we may be getting a couple :D ....
07-25-10, 03:21 AM
Wayne... I may be bugging you for some caresheets etc. for garters... if the fiance is cool with it, we may be getting a couple :D ....
No problem.. The best care sheets are already published for them.
07-30-10, 11:43 PM
07-31-10, 12:50 PM
good pictures of beautifull garters as always mate
cheers shaun
07-31-10, 01:58 PM
What he said!!!
07-31-10, 07:42 PM
Thanks guys...
08-08-10, 05:30 AM
08-12-10, 02:12 AM
I know they probably get boring, but perching on the log is my little flame's favorite thing to do. and he just shed.
08-12-10, 02:17 AM
I never get tired of seeing these guy's, i just get really jealous each time i see them though
08-12-10, 02:38 AM
You have some awesome creatures in your care Wayne specially the flame wow never seen that shade before. They are amazing
08-12-10, 02:45 AM
Thanks guys.....
The lump went away as the snake aged..
08-15-10, 09:03 AM
My favourite, Thamnophis Infernalis....
08-15-10, 09:07 AM
my favorite as well mate
09-15-10, 01:30 PM
a couple shots of some of the 2010 babies...
09-15-10, 03:24 PM
Sweet pics and beautiful snakes..
09-15-10, 03:44 PM
Thanks Chuck. The one with the orange stripe is slowly turning red. the father is albino and the mother is red, Here is her mother...
Almost forgot.. The male I am pairing her with came from this mother...
09-15-10, 03:59 PM
Wow that should create some stunners Wayne. Your collection of garters is incredible mate!!!
09-15-10, 04:01 PM
Wow that should create some stunners Wayne. Your collection of garters is incredible mate!!!
Thanks... I do hope some of the babies display those traits..
09-15-10, 04:14 PM
It would be a very interesting pattern and colours if it turns out like my mind is picturing it. I cant wait to see the results!!
09-15-10, 04:57 PM
ok new favorite garter, that white mother with the stripe !! :) then i would say the flame than the thamnosis infernalis is my top 3 garters i have seen thus far. Nice collection, my dad was just looking at the bc ban list and they had garters banned on their, i breifly looked over the list but over looked them on it, becase the list was pages and pages long, ill take a second look when i got some more time and check which ones is on the list, im hoping it not all banned because its a native species and as far as i know we are not allowed to own anything that is found around here.
09-15-10, 05:02 PM
The white female is the property of Scott Felzer and the only known specimen in captivity. He's tried breeding her for years and this year was the first that she produced any babies.
One of the babies refused to eat, so I got a great deal on it.
09-15-10, 06:08 PM
sound even more tantelizng now lol rare is a deffinite bonus :) is that the one you got in the pic their ,the all white one in with the flame and the blue one? if not can i see some pics of your little one? :)
09-15-10, 07:10 PM
if not can i see some pics of your little one? :)
I'll take a photo for you, the babies are all het, so they look normal.
But the nice thing is, the albinism is compatible gene strains, so By combining the hets, I should see at least a few hot little ones.
09-15-10, 09:44 PM
sweet i hope you get a few that look just like her, cant see it getting much better tho :P i really like how she white but got that shaded color on her side with the defined line. very cool snake indead, i wonder what the babies will look like...cant wait :)
09-16-10, 05:47 AM
Man they are beautiful! I can't wait to see the babies from that pairing. I'll have my fingers cross for you.
09-16-10, 06:51 AM
Thanks guys.... Here's more pics.
The "normal looking" baby is the son of the killer albino with the orange stripe & ghost pattern. There is also my 2010 Infernalis and an Iowa strain Albino.
How many snakes can you find in the first picture?, How many in the second pic?
This little fella wanted to play "peek a boo"
09-16-10, 08:04 AM
Hehehe - like the peek aboo shot - one of my corns does that too. He is called Perry and now nicknamed "Perryscope"!!
09-16-10, 10:06 AM
Perry scope... too much Rob. great sense of humor.
09-16-10, 10:55 AM
the pics didnt work on my end wayne ? i can see robs photo but yours are boxes with a red x ?
09-16-10, 10:57 AM
Showing up fine on my screen??
09-16-10, 11:17 AM
ah perfect, they looks sweet, love that little ninja snake you got, cant even see him in their lol and the albino one shes pretty :)
09-16-10, 12:45 PM
Thanks guys.... Here's more pics.
How many snakes can you find in the first picture?, How many in the second pic?
I count 6 maybe 7. It hard to tell.
09-16-10, 12:52 PM
Six, right on.....
I separate them after 12-18 months old.
09-16-10, 06:07 PM
Ah what a nice big happy family in that enclosure. Looks like one got in trouble and had to bury himself to make for it lol
09-26-10, 06:26 PM
My babies again... the Texas Blacknecks.
09-26-10, 07:16 PM
i was reading the bc ban list and all species of garter here either native or import are banned 100% i just dont see how that makes any sence :( but those guys have such bright colors. very nice! i like that steel blue look on the 2nd pics head.
09-30-10, 12:42 AM
09-30-10, 12:42 AM
Those are just amazing! I love the red and pink ones! What`s the biggest Garter Wayne? :)
09-30-10, 03:24 AM
Those are just amazing! I love the red and pink ones! What`s the biggest Garter Wayne? :)
This one, She's about 3 feet and very thick. Eats mice.
This gal is huge by garter snake standards....
.: Laura :.
09-30-10, 03:26 AM
I agree Feebs, I've always been a fan of the snowys :D
Wayne that picture of the little face peeking out of the substrate is amazing! What a cute little shot
09-30-10, 04:28 AM
Sweet snake and pics as always. Keep them coming Wayne.
10-21-10, 10:16 AM
Wow those are BREATHTAKING! I had no idea garters came in so many gorgeous mutations. You have sparked my curiosity now, and I am going to have to read all about them. I never in a million years would have guessed the same little guys found in my back yard have relatives as amazing as yours.
10-21-10, 10:33 AM
The big girl feebo?
Yeah, and she loves her food! she ate 5 hopper mice in a row 2 days ago.
That's also the big mellow gal that tried to eat my hand when I smelled of greasy fried chicken.:eek:
10-21-10, 10:56 AM
Wow those are BREATHTAKING! I had no idea garters came in so many gorgeous mutations. You have sparked my curiosity now, and I am going to have to read all about them. I never in a million years would have guessed the same little guys found in my back yard have relatives as amazing as yours.
I saw a picture of a cherry red flame on the internet a few years ago, I HAD to have one.
The addiction started there.
Like most people I assumed they all were just like the ones I saw in my yard frequently, Now I try my best to stay on top of the "morph game"
Seems every season that a new crossing produces yet another variation.
It was this picture that started it all.....
10-21-10, 11:07 AM
I saw a picture of a cherry red flame on the internet a few years ago, I HAD to have one.
The addiction started there.
Like most people I assumed they all were just like the ones I saw in my yard frequently, Now I try my best to stay on top of the "morph game"
Seems every season that a new crossing produces yet another variation.
It was this picture that started it all.....
I know all about how that type of addiction starts. Genetics and especially creating something really special by combining traits that compliment each other is something that peaks my interest so much to the point I'd rather look at pictures of mutations, read about it, and play with punnett squares than anything else normal people do for fun. (I think I just gave away my geekdom, oops)
10-23-10, 08:19 PM
Caught one of my Kansas strain albinos mid shed...
10-23-10, 11:17 PM
wow your big gal is stunning... what morph is she?
10-23-10, 11:51 PM
wow your big gal is stunning... what morph is she?
My big girl is just an "ordinary" "common" Eastern Garter snake.
I saved her from getting run over by a tractor/mower while she was pregnant.
When she delivered her babies, I made sure they were all feeding properly and returned most of them to the meadow they would have been born in anyways.
She's such a big sweetheart though, we decided to keep her.
Just tonight she spent an hour climbing all over me and exploring while I watched TV.
10-24-10, 12:41 AM
wow that is crazy
10-24-10, 07:55 PM
The babies just love it when I grind up pinkies and fish together, they suck that mush right down..
10-24-10, 09:09 PM
"The babies just love it when I grind up pinkies and fish together, they suck that mush right down.."
You know you're a snake keeper when.. :yes:
Great garters Wayne :)
10-24-10, 10:24 PM
I call that "Garter Goulash"
10-29-10, 12:54 PM
My big gravid (soon to be) momma..... She's pregnant out of season, but that's OK an unexpected winter litter will be cool with me. her girth has almost doubled in recent weeks!! when she pops, it's going to be a big litter.
She's het Albino, and the father IS albino, so it will be interesting to see the outcome.
10-29-10, 01:03 PM
very cool. i look forward to seeing baby pics :) what's the gestation on garters out of curiosity, couple months?
10-29-10, 01:21 PM
very cool. i look forward to seeing baby pics :) what's the gestation on garters out of curiosity, couple months?
about that.. she's due to pop soon.
Here's the father (again)....
amazing how much his colour has changed as he matured..
This photo is a year old...
10-29-10, 01:58 PM
Sorry to derail the thread.....Hey Wayne, got a question for you. I was just out walking my dog, and found a large garter real close to the road sunning itself on the trail. I picked it up and moved it a little farther down the path, away from the road. It didn't musk me, but attempted to tag me a few times. My question, or questions are. It was about 16" - 18" long and between nickel and quarter size around at it's largest. Would you guess it to be female? And #2, we had a pretty hard frost here last night, and the temp. today is right around 56 degrees. When exactly do they begin to hibernate?
10-29-10, 05:01 PM
The snake was undoubtedly very close to the den site.
They go underground at night to keep from freezing.
And yes that would accurately describe a female.
10-29-10, 05:48 PM
Thanks Wayne. I'm sure she was close to her den, but she was closer to the road. And as slow as she was moving, she would have been road kill for sure. I moved her away, but not too far. I'd have brought her home, but #1 I don't have a setup for her, and #2 She may have been the mama for all the garters out there for all I know....
11-05-10, 08:14 PM
new pics....
11-05-10, 08:15 PM
11-06-10, 09:09 AM
you have the coolest garters. so amazing! what is the bottom one called? I don't think I've seen one that that before with a dark head lightening to a peach color.
11-06-10, 09:26 AM
In an attempt to make a snow Eastern (Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis) a melanistic was bred to an albino.
This little guy is strange, he's making melanin, but in weird ratios, I wonder if the blotches qualify as piebald??
Anyways, he's the runt of the litter, He is almost 3 now and still a small guy.
The few of those around are called "dirty snows"
I want to mate him to my cherry red flame and make some flaming snows.:yes:
The pure white ones I have are Thamnophis Radix a midwestern species. No one has really bred a clean white snow eastern but there's always hope.
11-06-10, 10:27 AM
that electric blue looks amazing in those pics!! Im no jellious i cant have one of them :P green with envy.
11-06-10, 01:19 PM
Love the orange and blue, they are awesome. You take great pics!
11-06-10, 01:58 PM
that electric blue looks amazing in those pics!! Im no jellious i cant have one of them :P green with envy.
He's a pain in the butt... lucky for him he's cute.
Wanna get tagged? reach in without food to appease the bite god, and he will draw blood.
Have a snack, He's as friendly as can long as you offer bribes.
11-06-10, 03:28 PM
that sounds like my kind of relationship, give and take lol
11-11-10, 09:50 AM
New pics...
11-11-10, 01:44 PM
Cute pics. I swear they look like they're smiling.
11-11-10, 05:29 PM
Of course they are happy, look what daddy bought them.
11-11-10, 06:16 PM
11-11-10, 07:07 PM
Can have some too???
11-11-10, 11:04 PM
Can have some too???
They really didn't leave much...
11-12-10, 01:20 AM
I bet there are some happy faces at your house!!
11-12-10, 09:41 AM
Of course they are happy, look what daddy bought them.
what kind of trout is that mate ?
we have rainbow,brown and sea trout but that dont look like any of them
we also have a speices of brown trout called loch leven trout named after the only loch in the uk they are found in
glad your wee guys enjoyed their feast mate
cheers shaun
11-12-10, 12:58 PM
the lighting makes it hard to see, but that's a rainbow trout.
11-12-10, 06:02 PM
Ahh rainbow is good eating, i love it when i go back home to NZ and go catch heaps of them with my cousins. I basically live off them and pinkies ( snapper ) when we go out in the boat.
11-13-10, 05:25 PM
Ahh rainbow is good eating, i love it when i go back home to NZ and go catch heaps of them with my cousins. I basically live off them and pinkies ( snapper ) when we go out in the boat.
Whew, I was thinking you had been around snakes too long.
Do you fish Wayne? If so, could you feed your garters say...A pike fillet? Or crappie? Or perch? Curious.
11-13-10, 06:12 PM
HAHAHA does sound weird lucky i thought to put in brackets snapper lol
11-13-10, 07:57 PM
Whew, I was thinking you had been around snakes too long.
Do you fish Wayne? If so, could you feed your garters say...A pike fillet? Or crappie? Or perch? Curious.
Yes when fishing season re-opens in the spring, they will dine on yellow perch.....
11-14-10, 06:44 AM
Ahh rainbow is good eating, i love it when i go back home to NZ and go catch heaps of them with my cousins. I basically live off them and pinkies ( snapper ) when we go out in the boat.
its a good job you put snappers in brackets mate
i thought you'd took the hobby too far and were eating pinkie mice,haha
cheers shaun
11-14-10, 06:46 AM
Whew, I was thinking you had been around snakes too long.
Do you fish Wayne? If so, could you feed your garters say...A pike fillet? Or crappie? Or perch? Curious.
you have fish called crappies ?
they're not brown and float on the surface by any chance mate ?
cheers shaun
11-14-10, 08:14 AM
you have fish called crappies ?
they're not brown and float on the surface by any chance mate ?
cheers shaun
11-14-10, 08:25 PM
11-14-10, 08:30 PM
Yeah, Crappies, not Crap ees.:no: What you are describing Shaun are floaters and typically inhabit the porcelain pond in your bathroom. :yes:
As always great pics Wayne! I love your beautiful Garters, I wish I could see those colors in the wild.....
11-25-10, 08:17 PM
Some new shots of a few babies from today.
Right after I took this, I moved the little one to a wet shed box to help it along.
Taken right after the shed finished.
The het sibling started to shed about 15 minutes later.
Look at that face, can you guess who the daddy is?
When this snake gets older, it's nose is going to look awesome.
A sibling, notice the coloration is not quite the same.
The snow is due to shed next, it was "blue phase" yesterday, will probably shed tonight.
I must admit, working with these babies has been rewarding.
12-12-10, 11:10 AM
12-12-10, 12:01 PM
very nice!! i love the one in the first 2 pics with the yellow one, with the orange on its nose. i hope to see one of those in person some day.
12-12-10, 04:22 PM
awesome looking garters. i love the infernalis, and the black and blue ones, and solid black.
Wayne, I should have kept up with this thread, it would have answered the question I asked you about shedding frequency in your collection!
Great looking snakes! You are doing a wonderful job at creating demand for garter snakes, at least in my house....they are so cute!
The solid black one sort of looks like an Indigo (my dream snake), if you use your imagination! ;)
12-13-10, 03:51 AM
blargh must not buy garter snake....
they are like the borg man, "resistance is futile"
12-18-10, 11:53 PM
More colour with every shed. these little albinos are litter mates. One is getting red. nice!
12-18-10, 11:57 PM
really not helping my resistance, what size tank deoes a garter need, and what morphs ndo you have available?
12-19-10, 11:02 AM
A small male or two will thrive in a ten gallon, and would be in heaven in a 15 gallon.
Females on the other hand, I keep in 20 longs or larger.
As a general rule, females are more laid back and tolerate handling really well.
Males on the other hand make great display critters, they are hyper active all day long, but flip out frequently when touched.
The species actually does well housed in multiples. But one must be very careful if 2 snakes of opposite gender are housed together, they WILL make babies.
This photo was taken in the wild.. I see a flash of red in the middle...
03-20-11, 03:36 AM
dug up some more pictures, enjoy....
These two were clutch mates.
The very rare "Silver Morph" Sirtalis, This is one weird Gene, only males display the trait, and out of an entire litter only 2-3 are born silver, and all the silvers are born about 1/2 the size of the rest of the clutch. (Like the morph only shows up in male runts)
This shot illustrates the size difference of males and females. She had just ovulated, and he rode around on her back for days! Got a sweet litter of orange babies from that pairing.
03-20-11, 03:46 AM
Oh wow, that red one is beautiful~ Also love yours snows c:
And wow, she's like a monster to him! xD Never realized just how 'big' the size difference was between males and females. Just knew females were bigger.
03-20-11, 03:50 AM
Go back and start at post number one ;) There is a lot of snakes on this thread.
03-22-11, 12:13 PM
New pics.....
03-22-11, 12:13 PM
03-22-11, 01:28 PM
04-04-11, 09:14 PM
Took these just now..
The two biggest Eastern Sirtalis I have. Both are super sweet gals.
As soon as the flash went off, Midnight had to investigate..
That all black one is nice. So is the red one on the first page. Never knew anyone who had a garder snake collection.
04-05-11, 09:11 AM
Thanks.. I admit, I'm obsessed with them, I have books on them, and I even have a very large habitat project going on just for the wild garter snakes that live on my property.
We had to postpone due to the weather, but my bulldozer operator will be returning in just a few weeks, I'm anxious about that..
That's pretty cool. There are a bunch that live under my house, so that is like their large habitat. lol.
Saturday my wife saw two mating in our front yard. She tried to get a pic of it but for some reason the camera wouldn't work when facing straight down. Would have been cool to see.
04-05-11, 09:20 AM
looks just like this ;)
I'm pairing up some cool ones here soon, I'll be sure to take tons of pics.
04-07-11, 11:22 AM
Wow, I had no idea there was such a variety of colour, I'm used to just seeing them at the cottage.
They look AMAZING!
Just out of curiousity, what are you feeding them? some it looks like are eating little mice, others fish and i'm not sure what the chopped up stuff is at all :P
04-07-11, 02:03 PM
I call it "Garter Goulash" it's pinkies and fish chopped up together until it turns into a pink mush.
It's like baby food for garter snakes, they can eat all they want and not choke on it, it's easy to put supplements in and they seem to eat it up.
I like to crush up reptomin (turtle pellets) into powder and mix in it sometimes, that stuff is loaded with reptile vitamins.
04-07-11, 02:06 PM
Making me want to own a garter lol. had one in my sock drawer as a kid lol
04-07-11, 02:09 PM
I'm fairly certain that my growing up out here in the boondocks having nearly daily exposure to them throughout my whole life may have influenced my choice to keep these instead of another species.
Their inquisitive nature makes them interesting too, they stare out of the vivs watching what is going on in the room a lot.
04-07-11, 02:23 PM
wow, sounds like a pretty good idea :)
congrats on all the wonderful snakes!
06-28-11, 08:37 PM
Thamnophis eques scotti - Another first. These were just imported from Central America. This is the second species of Mexican Garter snake I have had the pleasure of working with...
06-28-11, 08:42 PM
huge head on that little guy.
If I may ask, is it just me or do none of those mice have feet? is that to reduce the risk of choking?
Coffee Black
06-28-11, 09:21 PM
Is there a difference between eastern black necks and texas black necks? Was trying to research texas black necks but kept getting eastern black necks. Love those scotti too. Was drooling over those on scott felzer's page. Really interested in garters and am seriously considering one for my next acquisition. I really seem to dig most wild type colors over morphs. I love axanthic and melanistic garters too, though.
06-28-11, 09:23 PM
huge head on that little guy.
If I may ask, is it just me or do none of those mice have feet? is that to reduce the risk of choking?
The feet break off in shipping. The pinks are frozen so cold that they become brittle.
06-28-11, 09:25 PM
Alright. Was wondering lol.
06-28-11, 09:26 PM
Is there a difference between eastern black necks and texas black necks? Was trying to research texas black necks but kept getting eastern black necks. Love those scotti too. Was drooling over those on scott felzer's page. Really interested in garters and am seriously considering one for my next acquisition. I really seem to dig most wild type colors over morphs. I love axanthic and melanistic garters too, though.
Eastern black necks have the bright colours like the ones I keep.
The other species of black neck is rather drab by comparison.
Coffee Black
06-28-11, 10:49 PM
Yeah it looks like the Easterns are what I'm looking for. Quite obsessed with them in fact haha. Maybe end of summer. I'll snag one after we move, if I can find any for sale.
Coffee Black
06-28-11, 10:52 PM
Would you recommend a female for those new to garters? I've had a few wily colubrids in the past, mostly northern water snakes for the summer but I was younger and dumber and I would rather go nice and steady next time around.
06-28-11, 11:12 PM
What is the general attitude of Garter snakes? I can see myself with a bunch of colorful snakes if they are placid and like to be handled. Are there temperament difference among the Garters?
06-29-11, 12:00 AM
Personally I don't handle my snakes a lot, but if I were to recommend an easy going snake, I would say that either a female radix, female Eastern (Sirtalis) or female red sided are the calmest.
Thamnophis Elegans Vegrans (wandering garter snake) the males are really calm as well.
That Melanistic wandering I just got is a "puppy dog tame" snake. He even eats from my hands while being held.
06-29-11, 12:25 AM
Personally I don't handle my snakes a lot,
May I ask how come? As for me I can't wait for my snake to wake up so that I can handle her. Sometimes I skip a day or so depending if she ate, sheds, or I'm busy.
Coffee Black
06-29-11, 12:35 AM
Stress, I should imagine. I don't generally handle mine a lot either. Looks like mostly female. Thats probably what I'll be looking for then. I don't plan to handle a lot but I'm looking for a nice easy intro to cbb garters. thanks!
06-29-11, 06:23 AM
May I ask how come? As for me I can't wait for my snake to wake up so that I can handle her. Sometimes I skip a day or so depending if she ate, sheds, or I'm busy.
The easy answer is I just have too many snakes, but I also feel that if the animal displays stress (musking, trying to flee, biting) it's better to leave them alone.
Some of my favourite snakes are biters.
08-07-11, 03:17 PM
My girl "Copper" just had 12 beautiful babies.
The arrow points to an old injury, It has healed perfectly, but she has a chunk gone in her back leaving a big dimple.
I rescued her from a man who called me to remove the "big red snake" before he chopped it up. She was simply basking on his concrete step leading to the front door.
Her babies....
some other recent pics....
Hobo my "normal" wandering male...
"Muttley" the hybrid garter...
A copper coloured male, the picture is old, I found it while clearing obsolete files....
.: Laura :.
08-07-11, 03:21 PM
Lol Muttley looks dangerous
08-07-11, 05:12 PM
Lol Muttley looks dangerous
I love that look..
He's 1/2 chequered, 1/2 Eastern.
08-07-11, 05:14 PM
Cute babies.
08-07-11, 05:15 PM
Cute babies.
Thanks Chuck.. Now I'm back to chopping up the mice into little pieces.
08-07-11, 05:20 PM
Thanks Chuck.. Now I'm back to chopping up the mice into little pieces.
That sounds like fun.
08-07-11, 05:28 PM
It's not that bad really, I cut them up while still frozen, and then the mush thaws fast after.
Onyx Cross
08-07-11, 06:19 PM
That sounds awfully disgusting, Wayne...
Onyx Cross
08-07-11, 06:30 PM
BTW, I want your flames and the sky gaah, they're so cute!
08-07-11, 06:57 PM
Sounds tasty.
08-07-11, 07:26 PM
BTW, I want your flames and the sky gaah, they're so cute!
Thanks... Sky passed away this spring.
08-07-11, 08:03 PM
congratulations on your new babies wayne
cute looking wee dudes they be
cheers shaun
Onyx Cross
08-08-11, 04:37 PM
Thanks... Sky passed away this spring.
Sorry to hear! :(
08-08-11, 04:47 PM
Sorry to hear! :(
Thanks, he was special. Very feisty, just the way I like a snake to be.
Onyx Cross
08-08-11, 04:58 PM
Thanks, he was special. Very feisty, just the way I like a snake to be.
I, on the other hand, prefer docile, easy-going snakes. :| I don't appreciate being attacked by animals, lol. I had been around this one Albino California King Snake that was just the sweetest darn thing ever. She would let you do anything to her, wrap her around your neck like a scarf, crawl around your hair and the side of your face. She preferred to be wrapped around my neck and hide her head in my bra, lol.
I tell ya, I'm normally not like this, maybe it was influenced by all the drinks I had that day, but I even kissed the li'l thing, she was just that friendly that I felt safe, haha.
09-20-11, 01:26 PM
I rather expect snakes to behave like snakes. ;)
My babies ate again last night...
09-20-11, 01:55 PM
Oh that pure white one a few pics back is STUNNING!!!!! Do you think I could pass it off as a blizzard corn who never grew!!!! (Not allowed ANY sub-species of Garter snake here :()
09-20-11, 06:34 PM
Oh that pure white one a few pics back is STUNNING!!!!! Do you think I could pass it off as a blizzard corn who never grew!!!! (Not allowed ANY sub-species of Garter snake here :()
If you could, I would not recommend the commonly available snow radix to anyone, that line has been inbred so much that nearly all of them have eye or tail issues or both.
The one I cooked from scratch is my prize girl, her parents were an Albino and het Anerythristic, she should have perfect eyes and tail.
09-20-11, 06:49 PM
aww, well I wouldn't do that!! I was kidding. But she is gorgeous.
09-20-11, 06:56 PM
aww, well I wouldn't do that!! I was kidding. But she is gorgeous.
I got two of them (males) from a breeder who produced more males than females, and people bought sibling pairs from him.
sad really, I traced them back to a guy I know, and he told me they were already imbred when he produced them, so who knows how many messed up snows are floating around out there.
And I'm just making idle conversation.:)
09-20-11, 07:38 PM
That`s ok, I`m homebound caring for hubby, I don`t go get my son till tomorrow (mamma has had him at the beach) so I have all the time in the world for idle conversation!!
I love the all or mostly white snakes, my favorite corns are Palmetto`s, blizzards, snows, and some opals (there is a ruby freckled snow I saw a pic of that was absolutely stunning, but as a paradox it`s not something I will be able to find easily!!) In the BP`s I LOVE the high white Piebalds, LOVE THEM!!!!!!! So, of course, your little white caught my eye!!
10-01-11, 07:54 AM
Baby albino red sideds...
10-01-11, 08:12 AM
10-01-11, 03:23 PM
I'm always amazed as to how small baby garters are... but so, so cute
10-01-11, 03:36 PM
they're awesome!! I have to stay away from this thread. It makes me want one and I can't have one!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!!
10-01-11, 03:52 PM
they're awesome!! I have to stay away from this thread. It makes me want one and I can't have one!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!!
lol I was just thinking that it might be fun to have a 10 gallon tank set up in my living room with a few in it. Sorry you can't have any ...
How many could I keep in a 10 gallon size viv?
10-01-11, 04:05 PM
they're awesome!! I have to stay away from this thread. It makes me want one and I can't have one!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!!
And why is this?:p
lol I was just thinking that it might be fun to have a 10 gallon tank set up in my living room with a few in it. Sorry you can't have any ...
How many could I keep in a 10 gallon size viv?
Oh it would. Multiple garter snakes in a cage are FUN. they MOVE unlike boas.
Which, FYI, means they need more than 10 gallons when they're adults.;)
You should see my babies just crawling all over the place, checking out everything in, and out, of the cage...
Awesome snakes. I love garters.
10-01-11, 04:08 PM
Ok lets say I want 3 in one viv.. how large of a viv do I need and about how large to they average as adults?
10-01-11, 04:32 PM
I don't know what others would say, as it would vary, but:
You can fit up to 10 babies, as small babies, in a 10 gal, but you better be ready for a really big cage later, and a lot of poo...
One or two MALES could live in a 10gal, but I dont recommend it. 20gals is best, for maybe 1-3 males... (males are smaller) but if there's more then two snakes probably more then 20gal.
Bigger snakes, like good sized males or mostly FEMALES, 3 of them would probably need 30, 40 gallons...
I like my garters to have a LOTS of room because THEY USE IT, and need it.
Like I said, that's me. People have different opinions on that.
10-01-11, 05:19 PM
hrmm ok well it's something to think about. I am selling my house right now so it will have to wait a while anyways. My son (5yr old) Loves the colors on some of them and thought they would be fun to have. I will look into it more once I move and get settled. thanks for your input!
10-01-11, 05:45 PM
And why is this?:p.
Not allowed to keep or possess any indigenous species here in BC. For some reason they have listed ALL garters as indigenous, whether the particular morph or sub-species is native to here or not. So the short of it is "no captive garters in BC":sorry:
10-01-11, 06:00 PM
Well that's stupid.
Gungirl, you won't regret it.
10-01-11, 06:03 PM
lol I was just thinking that it might be fun to have a 10 gallon tank set up in my living room with a few in it. Sorry you can't have any ...
How many could I keep in a 10 gallon size viv?
This all depends on the snakes..
I have a few here that are runts, fully grown they are only around 12 inches. But these are exceptions..
A few males in a 20 long works out nice, but females can be 2-3 times larger than males, I keep most of my females either solo or in pairs only.
10-02-11, 07:23 AM
This all depends on the snakes..
I have a few here that are runts, fully grown they are only around 12 inches. But these are exceptions..
A few males in a 20 long works out nice, but females can be 2-3 times larger than males, I keep most of my females either solo or in pairs only.
Thats good to know Wayne. Thanks I will keep it in mind while I drool over some of the color variations I see in your collection.. lol
10-02-11, 11:36 AM
Awe, they're so small and adorable Wayne
10-02-11, 06:31 PM
Awe, they're so small and adorable Wayne
The small part is what makes raising them such a rewarding challenge.
Unlike bigger snakes, I can't just toss pinkies at them and expect them to eat, every other day I have to chop up mice and fish into little bits for them to eat.
10-02-11, 06:32 PM
I chop stuff up especially small because I like feeding bite sized peices, they get digested faster, and they can eat tomorrow, which helps them grow faster (frequent feedings like that). It's awesome.
I'll say it again. I love garters.
10-02-11, 07:35 PM
every other day I have to chop up mice and fish into little bits for them to eat.
oh, yum! :p
10-05-11, 11:13 PM
Ice-T tonight....
10-06-11, 08:14 AM
Solid. Jet. Black.
Freaking. Awesome.
10-06-11, 08:25 AM
I just fell MADLY IN LOVE. That is my favorite color!!!!
Snake + Favorite color = I WANT 2!!
When can I come get them? lol
10-24-11, 04:03 PM
A couple new shots of my girl "Midnight", she's a doll unless she's hungry.
Handle fish, worms, or rodent and forget to wash your hands, it's going to bleed.
Heck, she went after me once when I had fried chicken for dinner and forgot to wash my hands. All I wanted to do was change the water in her bowl, she smelled the chicken and BAM she had hold of my hand good.
She's about an inch to an inch and a half thick. (Medium large female)
10-24-11, 04:12 PM
Your collection is amazing man!
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