View Full Version : hello agian just got my new semi rescue nile monitor :)!!!!

12-30-09, 09:42 PM
Oh today is a good day yall just got a nile monitor off a snake breeder i know who took it in trade and didnt want it now its mine...well hes driving over to drop it off today or tomorow morning. got eveything ready for its grand entrance!!! oh man so beutifull.i read you can feed it the ground turkey mixture and i also ready you can use chicken instead of turkey but i read just as many threads n blogs about not giving them chicken. not sure why being i ready they eat all bird n even carrian in the wild,but dont want it to injest anything if im not 100% just want it to be healthy and happy. i know housing and temperments but feeding this little guys is worrying me but i dont want to wait a few more days because buddys got him in a tiny cage, I want him out and into my huge setup fast as possible, poor little guy. going to be a LOT of work taming him hes never really been held and nasty! got my work ahead of me. any tips n website of real good info i would like to look at it :) ill post how he is in a few days.

12-30-09, 11:17 PM
Hope there is something of value for you here......

Varanus.net---Captive FAQ--Foreword (http://www.varanus.net/faq/)

12-30-09, 11:55 PM
thx i know all the stuff there tho :P i have been wanting one for Years n years. Thx tho just need more of a food tips how much at a time? how often and whats the best meal plan a veriety im told is best of turkey/chicken mixture, fish and the odd mouse/rat. i have come to think after all the mix stuff i read is make what i said at the size of his head every day if not every other but 1 place i read stuff the other is the oposite so i fig that people with them will be the best advice. i have owned snake for about 10 years and looked after my dads when i was a child but never actually owned a monitor just cold feet im sure i did enouph homework :P