View Full Version : Anyone else here keep Garter Snakes? (Thamnophis)

12-28-09, 04:00 PM
These are some of the most fascinating snakes around.





12-28-09, 04:02 PM
Some more......





12-29-09, 01:24 PM
I don't have any but those areso really sweet looking snakes.:)

12-29-09, 02:16 PM
Thanks Appreciate it.

12-29-09, 05:08 PM
yeah those look amazing i especially love the checkered patterns, theyre a little bit wirey are they not?

12-29-09, 06:33 PM
theyre a little bit wirey are they not?

Some are, some are not.

I have a couple that are like puppy dogs, and I have a couple that musk, and a couple that bite.

If I were going to sit on the couch and hold a snake, the python or corn are better choices, But I do know one young lady who allows her garter snakes to free roam in her house quite often, and she rarely has problems, however her situation is extremely rare.

She dropped off one of her females for me to have a stud breed with her, she was dog tame and used to constant handling.

Heck this girl goes into the mall with that snake in her purse.:freakedout:

For the average owner, yes they are flighty little snakes.

What I love most is that they are always alert to their surroundings, they are active by day and sleep by night.....

12-29-09, 11:42 PM
I've really been thinking about getting garters recently. I think they are so beautiful. LOVE the red sided and red spotted..I think that's what they are :D heh heh. Do all of yours take mice?

12-30-09, 02:27 AM
I've really been thinking about getting garters recently. I think they are so beautiful. LOVE the red sided and red spotted..I think that's what they are :D heh heh. Do all of yours take mice?

I wish I had a red spotted or two. I have 3 California red sided, some albino red sided, Anerythristic red sided and a couple high red "normals".

The really bright red ones are called "flames" They are an Eastern species.

Yes they are on mice.

A couple of my 2009 babies are still eating a mixture I make by chopping up pinkies and salmon together, I crush up "reptomin" pellets and mix the powder up with it.

The reptomin helps to promote rapid growth.

That mix helped me get 90 percent of my babies on whole pinks by the time they were 2-3 months old.

They are so much easier to feed once they switch over to rodents.