View Full Version : shedding or dehydration

12-23-09, 09:56 PM
Hi I got my first snake, a ball python hatchling, about a month and a half ago. She had finished shedding when I got her and she has been doing great. I went on vacation for a week and left all her heating lamps on timers and my roommate making sure she had water. I came back last night and she was fine but now roughly 24 hours later she looks really dull and like she is shedding but I haven't been here and I'm scared she is dehydrated and my roommates didnt give her water. How can I know the difference. Also should I handle her?

12-25-09, 01:41 AM
was there water in hercage when you got back? And also to me it sounds liek shes going into blue getting ready to shed..

12-30-09, 11:23 AM
yes there was water when i got home. im sorry i took so long to respond. my internet was not working.

i think she is just shedding but she has taken a long time, i think. thanks