View Full Version : Monitor fans

12-23-09, 09:21 AM
Monitors are next on the list.
YouTube - Nelson implores lawmakers to pass a ban on Burmese pythons (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EIxH-5SQtc)

12-23-09, 09:57 AM
Sadly most Monitors wind up in the hands of incompetent keepers and many of them don't make it because of that.

Unfortunately the actions of a few are going to wind up effecting all of us.

Our whole family would be devastated if we had to give up our Chomper!


Enjoying some vennison....


12-23-09, 10:27 AM
Awww..he's neat! So cute chowing down. I love monitors- they get too large for me to have right now, but they are cool little lizards. I know if they pass this bill banning the large snakes, they'll go for the smaller ones next and the lizards, and they won't stop until all reptiles are banned. Then they'll probably go after other pets. It's just ******** and pisses me off to no end.

12-23-09, 06:33 PM
What sucks is they clump all of it together, the idiots who keep gators in bathtubs or people who toss boas around at parties for shock factor should all be lined up and shot.

12-23-09, 10:21 PM
He is so cool. There amazing animals! <3