View Full Version : Feeding?

12-16-09, 04:59 PM
When do you know when to move your snakes food up to a larger mouse. Right now my snake is eating "pinkies". And he is about 20 inches long. And I was wondering when should I move him up to "fuzzies"? He is a California Kingsnake:rolleyes:

12-16-09, 06:02 PM
It would very much help to know what species it is.

12-16-09, 07:16 PM
He is a California KingSnake

12-16-09, 07:39 PM
You should move him up when a pinky no longer makes any bulge in his sides when he eats it.

Good 'N Plenty
12-17-09, 01:40 AM
Typically the food should be *up to* the thickness of your snakes thickest section *at most*

You don't have to feed them prey items as thick as they are, but that's about the limit. If he has sufficient girth or, like Will0w said, pinkies cease to provide a lump, you can move him up. At 20" my inclination would be to assume he is probably ready for fuzzies

12-17-09, 04:22 PM
Thanks very much