View Full Version : Newbie Here

11-26-09, 09:13 AM
Hello all! My name is Korey and I own a crested gecko (fire color).

The reason I am joining is because I've noticed some red blotches or bruises forming all around my little guy and am very worried about him. They look almost like a rash on a human, but painful..

If anyone could help me, that would be great.

11-28-09, 10:20 PM
first of all welcome to the website!
Secondly i'm not sure what to do about that or what it might be... You could try looking on a gecko forum.
Good luck and best wishes!

11-30-09, 11:58 AM
Thank you very much for the welcome.

I've tried a few other sites to no avail..
To top it off, there are absolutely no reptile vets around here.. :(

I tried to take some pics of the marks on his body but he seemed to uneasy about it so I let him be. I guess they hurt him?? :(
If anyone could help, that would be great.

12-08-09, 06:39 AM
If you haven't gotten a response yet you might want to start a new thread with a new title. something relating to the issue that way people browsing can see it, know what it's about and hopefully reply to help you.

12-15-09, 09:30 AM
Hey, welcome. I keep Rhacadctylus geckos; cresties, chahoua, leachianus. If you could post a picture of the area that would be helpful. Also, please describe your setup and feeding schedule. Hopefully we can figure out whats going on with your little guy.