View Full Version : interesting video

11-08-09, 10:30 PM
YouTube - WSB-TV report on the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTj1T31dOAM)

11-13-09, 01:58 PM
"Too many local shelters to help"....wow...hearing that made me so angry. With all the money they get there's none left over to help the animals eh? This is so disappointing. I hate organizations like this that spend all their f***ing money on publicity and their high level staff and their benefits. Millions and millions of dollars not being used for what it was intended to be by the people donating. Local shelters are overflowing and animals are being destroyed because they don't have the money they need to take care of all these animals.. :mad: Hey, try not being a selfish fatcat and take some of that huge paycheck and put it where it needs to go! This kind of think makes me so angry, it's like PETA recruiting all these pre-teen kids into activism that goes way too far and does not serve an actual purpose. (fun fact: PETA kills almost 80% of the animals it takes in yearly, sometimes less but sometimes MORE)

11-14-09, 09:00 PM
I agree completely Siz. I personally think HSUS are the biggest hypocrites out there. The HSUS kills more animals every month than they save all year. And they have the nerve to try to undo reptile keeping as a whole? They really need to get their acts together and put the animals first. Makes me sooooo mad. My blood boils when I see stuff like that. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

11-15-09, 11:06 AM
This show is sweet and this is a good episode.
YouTube - Penn and Teller - PETA (Part 1/4) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAt1z_TgPQ4&feature=PlayList&p=AE1001BB1773FF35&index=0&playnext=1)

11-16-09, 02:29 PM
Penn and Teller are hilarious. They are so sarcastic. I love it.

11-18-09, 07:28 AM
Haha, yeah they do some good stuff. Have you seen the religious episode though? I think they kind of pushed it a bit far and I'm not even religious at all LOL.

11-18-09, 09:52 AM
Yeah I saw that one. I thought it was too far as well. I'm Christian, but not overly religious- I'd call myself more of a faithful/spiritual person than religious, but my fiance is agnostic. He found it hilarious, but it kind of pissed me off. Their episode on the dolphin healing was HILARIOUS though, and their one on holistics, although some holistic medicine I agree with.

11-19-09, 11:40 AM
I'm the same as Kim. I just hate it when I really like a comedian, and then they have to offend any religion. Why can't they just poke fun at things that aren't so sacred.

Re: the HSUS - I am so glad snakemaster posted that video. Have you seen the new HMUS commercial running all the blessed time on Animal Planet, and even cable news networks! It's the one with the Natalie Merchant "My Skin" song. It actually pulled at my heartstrings so much, I had to leave the room. I visited their site, and found no love for the reptiels out there. I kinda wrote them off, but still wanted to help. Thank goodness I am broke right now and couldn't commit to contributing! When I saw you could contribute your used articles for sale, it kinda sent up a red flag. They don't want volunteers just your d**n $! Do any of you guys know what's the best reptile/animal org.? I heard the ASPCA were butchers w/ their spaying and neutering. I am just at a loss. I wanna help, but don't want my hard earned $ (passing out cokes and peanuts, and never being at home), going tio the propagation of such disgusting orgs.


11-19-09, 05:51 PM
USARK (United States Association of Reptile Keepers) would be the organization you're looking for. You can donate $25 a year and be a member. Or you can donate more and get a higher member level. It's a good organization, and they constantly campaign for reptile owners' rights and go to talk with Congress over the many banning bills that pop up all the time. Definitely go to their site and check them out.

United States Association of Reptile Keepers - USARK (http://www.usark.org)