View Full Version : Black tail.
10-13-09, 07:59 PM
I have a young corn snake, not even a month old, and his tail has gone black, whats up with that?
10-13-09, 09:06 PM
Is there retained shed on the tail? Do you have pics?
10-13-09, 11:08 PM
Just, please post pics. This just happened to my corn. Please refer to the thread "tail shed" under the corn snake section. We talked all about it and my guy is doing fine. Just to let you know, it's possible the black part is dead due to a retained shed. That is what happened to mine. If that is the case, you don't want it to fall off at home, as this will open your corn up to infection. They will remove it at the vet's office if it's necrotic, sterilize the area, cover it, and give him antibiotics(shot).
I don't want to freak you out, but this happened last week, and it's very treatable if dealt with, but if left too long, could be very serious.
Tothend is asking for pics, because it could be part of his natural coloring. The strange thing is, is that it usually takes longer than a month for that to happen.
Crossing fingers for you!
10-14-09, 01:09 AM
thank you very much. its definetly not colouring because its hard as well. damn, i dont want his tail to fall off. is it common? he's being a bit anti-social. havent got any pictures, sorry.
10-14-09, 09:11 AM
Take him to a vet. Quickly. I don't want to alarm you, but a blackened tail is not something to mess around with- it usually means the tip has lost blood flow and the tissue is basically dead. It will most likely need to be removed, as BP_okay's did. The sooner you can get the animal to a vet, the less likely there is to be extensive damage. I'm not all that familiar with corn snakes, so I can't say if it is common with them, but I have a few corns and while I have only had them a few months, they are all adults and have perfect tails, so I really don't know. But I do know that it's better to be safe than sorry and get the animal in question to a good herp vet. Best of luck, let me know how it turns out.
Ive never had this problem but it sounds like there was a stuck shed that was left and maybe caused a infection that has went bad... I would tak to the vet.
10-15-09, 06:51 AM
thank you very much. its definetly not colouring because its hard as well. damn, i dont want his tail to fall off. is it common? he's being a bit anti-social. havent got any pictures, sorry.
It sounds like it is going to fall off. This is most likely the cause of retained shed on the tail that has constricted that area as the snake has grown. At this point there is no saving the tail. In the future when your snake sheds make sure that all the shed has come off.
A trip to the vet is your best bet.
10-15-09, 10:45 AM
been to vet now. =]
10-15-09, 10:54 AM
What did the vet say?
10-16-09, 12:12 AM
I am so glad you took him, better safe than sorry, and in your case I think it was necessary.
Please let us know. I am really interested in hearing about it! I sure hope it was removed by the vet and that there weren't any infections! Crossing my fingers for your little corn.
10-16-09, 12:15 AM
Oh, btw, it is more common than people think. After researching other forums on the topic, alot of people had this happen to them. I think it's b/c that little tail is just so thin, especially for babies. Have some shedding on hand in the future. I have read it only takes 5 days for the blood flow to be cut off if retained shed is left on the tail. Just something to watch out for.
10-16-09, 08:52 AM
Vet told me to come back. They said his tail is neucrotic and it isnt infected. A reptile specialist would be in next week. have to go back. Drugs are dangerous for young snakes etc. I basiclly went in to be told to come back in next week for £13! But it made me stop worrying as much. Snake isnt being so bad. Thanks for your support guys, its appreciated. =]
10-16-09, 10:35 AM
He didn't do anything????? Geez, leaving necrotic tissue on is not a smart idea. While drugs can be difficult for young animals, a low dose antibiotic would have been a smart idea. I would honestly find a different vet if I were you. That guy sounds like he is full of ****.
10-17-09, 06:00 AM
it was a woman.the reptile specialist wasnt in. thats why im going back. no other vets, im 16 in school, cant get far.
10-17-09, 08:28 PM
Yikes! Well keep a very close eye on that tail.
She was doing whats best by letting a reptile specialist look at it rather than trying to do things herself and maybe making it worse IMO... I hate to read about the tail but Im glad that you are willing and albe to take it to a vet and that your vet has a specialist that comes by...
10-18-09, 04:46 PM
Yeah that is good that she is suggesting a specialist- just kind of concerning that they couldn't see him sooner or do anything. My only concern would be that the damaged zone will get larger with time- necrosis is known to spread, as dead cells release chemicals that damage and kill cells around them, thus creating more dead cells, etc etc. I would have liked to see him at least on some antibiotics until the specialist could see him, but just do your best to keep him warm and as clean as possible. Best of luck- I do hope he is alright for you.
10-19-09, 02:16 AM
Gave him a bath and its not spreading luckily. He's pretty happy now =] Thanks Everyone! Birthday for me today btw! xD
10-19-09, 09:06 PM
Happy Birthday!!! *wooot!!!* Eat lots of birthday cake and par-tay!!
Keep us updated on your little guy and hope it all works out for you.
10-20-09, 10:41 AM
Another problem. He's been really hyper and when i grabbedhim to pick him up, herubbed his body on the branch and its grazed/cut him. Im worried. Any suggestions. Can't wait for him to be injury free. I need tobe more careful. Got really upset that i did that by accident. I didnt actually notice he latched on to it.
10-20-09, 04:18 PM
Okay, I prob think he's being skittish instead of hyper. Corns, especially young ones, tend to be very jumpy until they calm down and gain confidence in themselves and get used to you. The older they get and usually when they get out of the tank they are more calm. It will take time. I know you feel badly, but at least you are learning from your mistakes. Just be very gentle with your snakes, especially a baby corn, they are so tiny and you could really break bones, hurt organs, etc. When I want to take my guy out and he happens to be on the branch, etc. I just take the branch out of the tank and let him crawl off it at his own pace, but be careful, young corns are very speedy, and he could escape.
Now to the cut, I have absolutely no experience in that area, but I would post more detailed info about the cut - size, bleeding, still open, is it a clean or jagged cut, etc. The on only suggestion would be to put polysporin on it. Other than that, I would wait for more folks to jump on this thread.
Happy Belated Bday and good luck!
10-20-09, 05:31 PM
okay. thank you very much. It feels really soft and when i look it looks like you can see blood, just not coming out. Like some cuts humans get, no bleeding but you can see little specs of blood. its about 1 cm long. there is a bit of skin hanging off as well. just a small bit. not sure what to do. i dont have anything to give him. i dont live near any reptile specialists. going vets on wed.
10-20-09, 08:38 PM
Since it's Tuesday, you should be ok, as you're going to the vet's tomorrow. I don't think with necrosis there is anything you could put on it. As far as I know, the only way to treat necrotic tissue is to remove it. In the meantime you're keeping it clean and that is the best thing you can do for him. Just try to relax; I'm sure it will all work out for you.
10-21-09, 11:39 PM
So, I had to look at the World Clock, and it supposed to be 6 am on Thursday where you are, and I was wondering how the vet visit went your baby corn? Hope all is well :-)
10-22-09, 06:46 PM
And once again I'm back! Jeez, i got a unlucky corn snake. Still love him to bits. So cute too. But nows hes got a red nose? Anyone knowwhat that is?
10-22-09, 09:43 PM
Well, is rubbed a little raw as well...what do you have him housed in...sometimes they try to escape and rub their nose raw on a screen or rough part of their enclosure. Some other folks might have suggesions. I feel really bad for this little much to endure for only a month of life. Where the heck did you get him?
10-23-09, 02:49 AM
I got him off a friend who breeds snakes and has done for years. I think I'm more or less unluck. I spoil him silly as well. Spent over £100 on him a couple of weeks ago and stay up when he wakes at night so i go bed at 3am! xD He does rub his nose on the screen a lot, doesn't seem to be to smart either. The tail seems to be common and theres nothing to worry about the specialist said, just keep it dry. Come back if it spreads, changes colour or if i see bone when it falls off.
10-23-09, 02:50 AM
oh, do snakes have any particular bad germs on there tongue?
10-23-09, 07:47 AM
As BP_Okay said, the nose rub is quite common in snakes- I have more than a few that did it when I used fish tanks. I now house in melamine cages so there is no screen for them to rub their noses on. Just put some A&D ointment or polysporin ointment on it daily and it should clear up with his next shed.
10-24-09, 12:40 PM
oh, do snakes have any particular bad germs on there tongue?
I have read up on that, and it seems that 90 percent of reptiles harbour salmonella. That is really not an issue though, b/c it is mostly in their poo. Just be sure to wash up after handling/cleaning up the poo, and wash your hands b4 and after handling your snakes. I let kiss my nose, but would try to avoid kisses on the mouth, as it's better to play it safe than sorry. All of this may not apply to you though, as I kinda treat my snakees like they are my babies. I coo at them and tell them I love them all thie time. Yes, sad, but true ;-)
10-25-09, 05:21 AM
i wasnt planning on making out with my snake. lol. i was just wondering cos i let him lick my nose cos thats what he likes to do and i didnt want any particular bad germs or anything. nahh thats cool. snakes obviously got a good home. :rolleyes: i wash my handsbefore and after always.=] thank you.
10-26-09, 06:18 PM
LOL! Well, winter does get kinda lonely(j/k). Sure thing...sounds like you guys are getting along well too ;-) Tail and cut doing okay now?
10-29-09, 08:51 PM
Sorry for late reply. Yeah, he shed, it kinda looks a bit fleshy but hes not upset and im keeping it very clean. His tail has just stayed the same. So I hope it falls off. How many have you got?
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