10-10-09, 04:24 PM
Hey guys, im new here, and i was looking for some help. I just got a female ball python about two weeks ago shes about 4 years old. The person i got her from had a really simple set up, a 30 gallon tank with a ceramic heat lamp on one side. In the tank was a water bowl and a half log. This is my first snake, so shes getting spoiled. I bought an UTH pad because i couldnt get the warm side of the tank above high 70's now the temp is perfect, but i cant keep the humidity up above 30... she has a humidity box in the tank, but she doesnt go in it much, and im worried that the tank is way to dry for her. it may be a problem with the meter i have, its just a cheap one from petco, but suggestions would be helpful, i will try to post some photos later. thanks!