View Full Version : got bit

10-07-09, 08:15 PM
yeah i now if u love your snake u shouldnt feed em live prey but i do,and yeah my baby got bit by that rat,a small scar i cleaned it. its healing good,but is there anything else i could do????

10-07-09, 10:38 PM
i feed live too. i havent had any bites yet
all i can recomend is too make sure you keep that clean
good luck

10-08-09, 07:35 AM
You could feed F/T... ;)

10-08-09, 08:04 AM
From what I've seen over the years, those who look down on feeding live, usually have one ball python in a fish cage with bad husbandry that don't realize that with a larger collection, you are bound to have many animals that will only eat live. With a larger collection, it is usually the case that breeders (myself included) feed live. The deal is though, watch your ****!
BTW, 60 live feeders (roughly a third) in my collection, and I feed once a week (that's roughly 2000+ live feedings a year). Been doing this for ten years and only ever had two bites. Go figure...
Clean the wound and apply Polysporin the clear one, not the white one).
Also, be aware of your feeders, if they cvome from parents that bite, CULL the parents and start over. I don't have a single "biter" in collection now because I pay attention to the bahavior of my rats. Just because they are to end up as poop doesn't me an they don't deserve the same attention as your snakes.

10-08-09, 08:37 PM
I keep a plastic dowel handy whenever I feed live. Just in case my snake gets the wrong end, I can give the rat/mouse something else to bite on.

10-09-09, 12:41 PM
You could knock them out. that is what, alot of my friends do when feeding live food. They take a wrench or something heavy and thump them on the head. I know it my seem cruel but you won't have to worry about your animal being biten. That means no scars, no worries, and no vet bills (if need be).

10-09-09, 02:33 PM
I have to agree with Mykee... I have some snakes that wont take F/T or stunned, it happens. I have bred mice in the past and am giving it a go again now, none of my mice bite if they do there gone. That said Im sorry to read that ur snake got a bite, Ive seen some really bad results from snakes getting bit by rats and mice...

10-10-09, 07:56 PM
Coy and Mykee, i have tried for months to convert my 4 yr. old Saharan sand boa, and he just won't take f/t or stunned. Is it that some just like the hunt or the kill? It's just so strange to me.

PythonBoa, in the future, I would do what teague does. Just leave the lid off the tank and wait for an attack. Be ready to grab the mouse with tongs or something to save your snake the bite. Btw, Mykee really knows what he's talking about. He's got a great rep around here - snake god, right Mykee.... :)

10-11-09, 09:19 AM
Some animals wil become "imprinted" with either the heat signature, or smell of a certain type of food and regardless of how much you try to do to get your snake to change what it eats, or how it eats, you're just $hit outta luck. This happens, which is why, personally, I will never buy an animal that eats, or ever breed ASF rats myself (I breed mice and rats for my collection). Sometimes you're doing more harm than good in trying to "covert" your animal to something that it will never accept as a food item. Give it the old college try for a while, but afterwards, you'll end up on the losing end. Moral of the story, snakes know snakes better than people know snakes.

10-11-09, 01:03 PM
Good advice Mykee. It really is nice to have a good explanation for why Nicolai just won't convert. College try - 3 months, stressed him out - everytime, thus, no longer trying to convert. It really isn't a problem for me feeding live, except the only place around here that sells feeder mice are the big box pet stores, and I definitely can't breed my own. This causes me a little bit of worry, as they don't really care as much about the health of their animals. So, I suppose I am **** out of luck there too.

10-11-09, 03:06 PM
il buy some polysporin for her but the wound is clean thanks