View Full Version : reptiles in pools?
Would you let a reptile swim in a pool - seeing that there is a bit of chlorine .. are we better not too?
What about a pool full of algea or even a pond or lake?
What about leaving your snakes or lizards in outside pens?
What is safe and not - pros and cons?
I wouldnt let any of my herps go in a pool or pond becasue of all chemicals (pools) and bacteria (ponds). Now, even if it the water itself was suitable, I wouldnt dare let my herp go in a lake or any large open body of water for fear of my herp getting away. The last thing anyone needs is a loose herp in the environment... not only is the herp at terrible risk, but so can other animals, as it is a danger to have a foreign animal in an established eco-sytem <u>IF</U> the animal can survive (we've actually had a jaguar? running loose in the neighbouring town for two years now- just waiting for a persoin to get shot it seems everyones out there trying to kill the poor thing). People may be surprised how adaptable some herps can be, there's that "pet" alligator that has been living in the Buffalo river/canal near a park for 3 years...not sure if theyve captured it yet. Also not to metnion another case to be used against our rights to own these creatures. Outside pens CAN be safe, as long as precautions are taken to make it that way. Alot of people house tortoises outisde during the warmer months, and I myself keep my Iggy outside during the summer.
Grant vg
04-17-02, 09:18 PM
Absolutely not!
First of all, i can barely stay in a swimming pool water without having skin and eye how do u think ur snakes would feel or monitors would fair?
About the pond question...go check one of Roy Stockwells last couple posts on the KS snake forum/...he explains very well why u shouldn't release or "let swim" captive wildlife back into nature....
I think iguanas, chams and any one from the turtle family can be housed outside if an adequate enclosure is provided as well as climate...and obviously for these species it is beneficial but snakes and others shouldn't....U will have to worry about other predators getting into the enclosures...24/7 and i am not sure whether diseases and parasites can be transmitted to these exotic pets from other countries but i wouldn't doubt it......
I'd sway away from keeping anything outside if possible....excluding iggy ofcourse!:D
04-18-02, 01:14 AM
Last week we had a spell of really warm weather here. It got up to 80 degrees one day. That night at work I got a call about a sick snake. Thay brought him in (a large burm) and he had what appeared to be small blisters all over him. oncluding on his eyes not to mention SEVERE dehydration. The kid had let his burm swim in their fullsize pool fpr about 2 hours or so he said. Well turns out after talking to the kids father, he was treating the pool that day for the first time of the year and left for work not telling his son about it. He had used a very large amount of chemicals and chlorine to clean the pool and get it ready for the up-coming swimming season.
The poor snake. id never seen anything like it before. Anyway, the snake died about 2 days later because they didnt want to pay to hospitalize it...which it needed....or at least some sub-Q fluids. Anyway, you never know whats in a swimming pool...or how much for that matter.
I personally went and bought a 10 ft kiddie pool and during the warm days, I fill it up and let only my larger constrictors use it(because they cant get away from me) but they seem to really enjoy 2 cents...
I agree on the pool and swamp stuff and that is why I have never done it althought, as for leaving a monitor (savanah - really slow) and big boids outside - SUPERVISED - for a bit to me does not seem to be that harmfull ..
What can they catch from roaming in the grass .. To me unless someone can proove to me its harmfull for them .. I will let them out on the grasss .. they love it so much!
Does any one else let their snakes or lizards roam outside?
I take my Beardie outside quite a bit, he just sits on a special rock in my garden and doesn't move. He loooooves sun. My iguana also goes outside, as do my guinea pigs and soon to be my turtle as well. But I only have corns and they don't seem to care if they are inside or outside :o)
04-20-02, 12:59 AM
I always take by big constrictors outside. Its great excersize for them and not to mention fun for thr owner:p They do seem to love the grass and they never seem to try to run away or anything...they just crawl happily.
07-15-02, 04:41 PM
I let my snakes go outside on the grass.. big ones.. the smallest ones stays on me.
even my amazon tree boas I put them on a branch and they are watching me.. taking picture of them... :)
I like to take them out because they doesnt seem to escape all the time... its just fun.. you let them crawl and do their stuff while you and them are taking a sun bath.. :)
07-15-02, 05:27 PM
i recomend getting a cheep wating pool the ones you get for kids they are great and very easy to clean
07-15-02, 06:49 PM
How does one figure out what a reptile "loves"? Does it speak and tell you? Does it stay still, thus giving the impression of loving something? Does it seem more active for a few hours giving the impression that its not "more healthy"? I don't get it. I'm not too sure that if I was a nocturnal creature that I'd like to be awoken from my slumber so that some dude could play with me on the front lawn. Beats me.
My tortoises, chameleons and bearded dragons all have secure outdoor enclosures (although not child proof!) - I don't leave them outside overnight, but I've never had any problems (other than children with short-term memory loss).
Years ago, we had an iguana - my husband put him in the kiddy pool not checking the temperature first. well, poor 'Darwin' swam as fast as he could and scooted into the tall grass on the other side. Our basset pup ran in after him and brought him back out - 'Darwin's' head down 'Watson's' throat. He dropped him at my feet - not a mark on him!
So... my rule is no herps loose outside unless they are slow and large enough to find easily - even the hatchling torts can move at a fair clip and can be hard to find.
Jeff, my snake looks at me and says "Rick, I like it here, infact I love it, dont move me for I am perfectly content. I love it here Rick, I surely do. Free meals, free lodging and fresh air. Thank you Rick, thank you."
Now either I have a very special snake or a very special mind... or I need to be committed :p
07-15-02, 08:08 PM
Are those the ONLY options Jotun?? Heh heh... :-)
07-17-02, 06:20 AM
I took out my bp for a swim in the pool..was not harmfull if you consider that I didnt let him there for more than 3 sec lol ( too funny to watch swimming!) My advice: fill up the bath and let him swim in it... less problems ;).
07-17-02, 07:10 AM
well jeff.. I pretends that they should like to see other place than their little enclosure that they do know the smell and configuration inches by inches.. =P
And the fact that they dont want to get away. and we all know that they really enjoy sun. It is really different than a artificial light :D
And we all know that little snakes prefer to hide because they are more vulnerable but they stays and crawl on you, They seem to enjoy their ride...
All little details that shows you if you are a good snake keeper or not.. :D
well thats my opinion ;)
07-17-02, 09:05 AM
So I won't, ha ha!
All I can say is, don't put human values on an animal, especially a lower vertebrate like a reptile. Its called anthropomorphism and its not right. But you're not hurting your reptiles, so I don't really care either way.
Happy herping.
Jeff Favelle
Your snakes don't talk to you?? That's weird, every snake I have ever come across, has spoken at least a short sentance to me!! LOL!
See i have to agree with mary on this one ..
I do totally put human values to my snakes .. and I can't help it! i think it enjoys the company of others .. I think it enjoys a new enviroenment .. the real sun .. the grass.. and on and on ..
Just like I think it enjoys mulch instead of newspaper with a nice natural set up with plants hide waters and brancehes everywhere instead of a box, bowl and newspaper..
Again this is totally oppinions . but that is where i stand!
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