View Full Version : Hello from Sweden

09-30-09, 03:06 PM
Greeting dear forum users, I'm a 21 year old guy from Sweden whose interest includes snakes.

I currently own three Morelia Spilota as seen in this picture. My previously owned snakes were a 250 centimeter (8,2 feet) Burmese python and a small Python regius.


If you got any question, don't hesitate to ask. And by the way, I'm trying to keep my english at reading quality. If there's anything that you don't understand, just ask me and I'll try to explain in other words.

10-02-09, 01:47 PM
Welcome! Beautiful snake you have there. Cool shot - is it eating a bird?

10-02-09, 02:42 PM
Welcome! Beautiful snake you have there. Cool shot - is it eating a bird?

Yeah, I found a bird nest while i demolished a house. My friend wanted to throw them in a fire. But I thought my snake were a better option.

10-03-09, 07:40 PM
Ack- didn't you think about parasites??? I would never feed my snakes anything that wasn't bred and raised in sanitary conditions. Feeding any pet wild-caught food is a bad bad idea IMHO- you never know what the prey item was carrying parasite/disease wise that might be passed on to your snake. I know in the wild they eat whatever they can catch, but in the wild snakes are also often heavily parasitized. Almost every wild animal is. Worms, mites, ticks, viruses, bacteria, you just don't know. I would avoid this in the future.

10-20-09, 07:06 AM
Ack- didn't you think about parasites??? I would never feed my snakes anything that wasn't bred and raised in sanitary conditions. Feeding any pet wild-caught food is a bad bad idea IMHO- you never know what the prey item was carrying parasite/disease wise that might be passed on to your snake. I know in the wild they eat whatever they can catch, but in the wild snakes are also often heavily parasitized. Almost every wild animal is. Worms, mites, ticks, viruses, bacteria, you just don't know. I would avoid this in the future.

Well, I didn't see parasites as a big problem. The babie birds seemed healthy and so, but I know - You can never be sure. The python that ate the birds are the most healthy one. If you counting healthy as eating the most and growing best. So I don't think she got any parasite or disease from eating the birds. (Which took place 2009-05-13)

But it's not in my interest to run in the wild and capture animals to feed to my snakes. Except from this occurrence my snakes only eat food that are breed and raised in sanitary.

Thanks for the feedback though

10-20-09, 08:52 PM
No problem- I wasn't knocking you or trying to be difficult- it was just something I could see might be a potential source of problem. I used to take my big coastal male outside to crawl in the yard, under my supervision of course, and suddenly I had a huge mite outbreak. I still haven't figured out exactly where the little invaders came from, but it's a good possibility the carpet picked them up outside. So I'm a bit paranoid now. That is a gorgeous carpet in your picture! Is it a coastal variant, Morelia spilota mcdowelli? I love the silver eyes!

10-21-09, 05:42 AM
No problem- I wasn't knocking you or trying to be difficult- it was just something I could see might be a potential source of problem. I used to take my big coastal male outside to crawl in the yard, under my supervision of course, and suddenly I had a huge mite outbreak. I still haven't figured out exactly where the little invaders came from, but it's a good possibility the carpet picked them up outside. So I'm a bit paranoid now. That is a gorgeous carpet in your picture! Is it a coastal variant, Morelia spilota mcdowelli? I love the silver eyes!

You can see what is it in this thread. :)


10-23-09, 02:39 AM
Welcome to the forum, Insid3r--hope you enjoy it! Your snakes are beautiful.

10-23-09, 07:48 AM
Ahh ok- that was you. Those are very pretty carpets!