View Full Version : Automated Misting System

09-26-09, 06:42 AM
I am looking for a misting system that will work in conjunction with a humidity sensor to mist only when the humidity drops below a preset level.

I've seen several misting systems that work on timers, but environmental conditions change, so timed doesn't seem like a good answer.

I am in the process of building a vivarium for my BP and the misting system has me mistified (pardon the pun).

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

09-26-09, 10:59 PM
While I am not sure what to suggest for the misting system as I only use a fogger myself. What I can suggest since you are building a new vivarium, is to have a look at the HygroTherm by ZooMed for the control. It controls both the heat and humidity, and will turn on the mister or heat source as needed. I currently have one, and like it enough to purchase a second one for another setup. One more thing, if you see the HabbaMister in the stores, just keep walking. They are junk and tend to break just after the 3 month warranty is up. Just my experience though.


09-27-09, 12:24 PM
I have a Mist King system, which works wonderfully. I have it for my ETB, GTPs, and rainbow boa. The system is around $140, depending on which setup you get, but definitely worth the money. Go to their website MistKing (http://www.mistking.com)

09-27-09, 11:26 PM
From what I read on the ZooMed website regarding the HygraTherm, it will automatically turn the heater and mister/fogger on and off based on programmed values?

09-27-09, 11:31 PM
Thankyou for the suggestion of the HygroTherm it definitely seems like what I am looking for. What fogger system do you use, and would you suggest it for use with a Ball Python?

I will also be looking at the Mist King systems as well to see what my options are.

09-29-09, 01:34 PM
Depending on your setup, a fogger could work. I have mine in a waterfall that has a built in place for the fogger. No reason it could not work, but I think you would be refilling the tank daily as your setup would be larger then mine as it is only for a small gecko.
