View Full Version : What's everyone's favourite type of "Dwarf" Monitor?

12-26-02, 07:31 AM
Just seeing what people think of "Dwarf" monitors!! and their favourites:) We've had the pleasure of having many species of Monitors and of course the dwarfs are one of our favourites. Of the smaller species, we've worked with Red and Yellow Ackies and storrs, but our favourites are the Kimberleys. They are hands down the BEST!!! If you thought Ackies had personality, Kimberley's make them look normal!! These little guys are always on the move and checking everything out. They all come up and check what's going on when the enclosure is opened and climb right up to your arm. I enjoy studying the behaviours of animals and now I see them studying me back:D Imagine 12 pair of eyes watching and studying your every move, like you're their pet. LOL just love these guys:) They also have the most beautiful and detailed patterns. No doubt the most beautiful of the dwarfs and maybe of all monitors. I must say they are on the top of my list:)

12-26-02, 08:27 AM
I`ve seen many dwarf but I have never owned one myself. I love large monitors and by far, to me white throated monitor takes the cake .. Yeah i know far from a dwarf lol

I actually love the challenge of taming down a large adult - their strengh always seem to amaze me. I`ll probably never ever owne a dwarf for the simple reason taht there too small for my liking but very suitable for the majority of ppl .. i just happen to love the larger ones!

Kahane : I love to see some pics of your kimberly`s though!

Take care

12-26-02, 09:47 AM
Glauerti for sure. Maybe prasinus.

12-26-02, 11:18 AM
Yeah Dom, Whitethroats are gret monitors. We have a few larger Monitors and they are rewarding to work with, especially the challenge of handling them.
Jeff, I'm still working on getting a pair of Prasinus, they are definitely ones that are top of the list.

12-26-02, 03:55 PM
Becarri are pretty sweet too. An adequate replacement for prasinus.

12-29-02, 06:43 PM
My vote is for the glebopalma, just because they look like mini perenties.

Kimm's rock, too!

01-01-03, 10:23 AM
Caudos, kingorum, and all of the truly smaller monitors. I still love my ackies!!!

Of course, if I could, I would own a trio of each and every species.

01-01-03, 10:31 AM
I'd say kimberley's.....always thought they were so cool!

01-05-03, 04:09 AM
Beccari ..... i'd like to own one. or 3 when i move out and get a lot of room....

01-05-03, 04:27 AM
I wouldn't mind getting a few Pilbarensis to add to the collection:)

Kyle Barker
01-06-03, 12:25 PM
Brevicauda!!! Anyone else love these guys(or at least the pictures of them :) )?

01-06-03, 01:41 PM
prasinus- fell in love with them when I was a kid, never owned them, but I used to have beccari.

01-06-03, 01:45 PM
Kahane, I'm going to try and get some prasinus out of Indo for myself, if you are interested in some maybe I can add a few on, hard to get paperwork, so I can't guarantee anything, let me know if these interest you...


01-06-03, 02:33 PM
varanus similis is a very awesome species.. Rarely see them because they are usually mistaken for timors. Ive only owned one and thats the only one ive seen. Mine had a good temperment and was about 23 inches full grown.

01-06-03, 05:14 PM
Chris, For sure KaHane want some prasinus

01-06-03, 06:13 PM
Helena, you are Kahane's girlfriend, correct? I know Kahane, just get him to call me or e-mail and I'll give him the details.


01-12-03, 09:27 PM
Prasinus are only allowed out of Indo if they are second generation captive bred, and have proof of this. Since 1997 Indo has changed a lot and I expect they'll only strap down more in the future........


01-14-03, 04:09 PM
Now we're talking. John's right. I think we might see some F2 prasinus offspring available in the next year or so, but if we do numbers will be very limited and they won't likely go to buyers in Canada unfortunately. I think that's why we're seeing the odd prasinus for sale now because people realize that they will be coming in in the near future and they want to get rid of older unproven adults while they can get a good buck for them. I think it would be pretty hasty to jump on adult animals at this point.