View Full Version : I want another snake!

09-10-09, 02:15 PM
So my BPs and RTB are growing up. Now I have an empty 20 gallon and starting to get an itch...any suggestions on a smaller snake that won't outgrow my 20 gal?
Not that I need another one, I just want another one, my friends already call me the "crazy snake lady".

09-11-09, 08:01 AM
Hmmm. A house snake, a viper boa, or possibly a children's python. Corn snakes are beautiful, but I have an adult and she is like 4 feet long so I would consider a 20 too small for her. Snakes are addicting, aren't they? I just bought a female yellowbelly BP, a male GTP and a male spider ball this past week. Wasn't intending to, they just popped up at prices I couldn't pass up....

09-11-09, 01:55 PM
Thanks! I'll check those out.