View Full Version : A Sensitive Topic

09-09-09, 06:22 PM
On a very recent trip through the scrub land of New Mexico, My fiance and I came across a western diamondback rattlesnake that seemed to be in distress on the highway. Me being the herp enthusiast that I am pulled the car around for a closer look. The animal had been run over but was still alive and trying to crawl to the other side of the road. It wasn't easy to watch and I carefully (as not to hurt the animal further or get bitten) moved her to the side of the road to let her die in peace. My question for is: is there a humane way to euthanize a snake? From what I understand, a snake has a far more complex nervous system than a lot of animals and traditional lay-methods may be ineffective or cause unneeded suffering. Any thoughts?

09-09-09, 06:53 PM
While brutal, instant and total destruction of the brain will kill any animal without causing suffering. (In other words, something like a hammer to the head, the way beef cattle are killed). When you find an animal suffering by the road as you described, this is probably the most humane thing to do.

Apart from that, which may not be considered humane in all areas even though it is painless, the only approved method is the injection of barbiturates into a vein or into the coelomic cavity. That has to be done by a vet.

Other methods used to euthanize reptiles, such as freezing, are not humane and there is reason to believe they cause pain and take a long time to kill the animal.

09-10-09, 09:51 PM
In the case you mentioned, I rock or the heel of your shoe to the skull full force would have been the most humane thing to do.

09-11-09, 10:31 AM
Maybe this is a silly question... and please remember that I am a herp novice(and don't have any of my own!). How injured does a snake have to be before euthanizing is the best option? I know that some animals have an almost unbelievable ability to heal (sharks, for example) and am wondering about snakes. I would assume that if the tail were damaged, the snake could survive; if the head were badly injured, probably not; but what about in-between? Is a snake run over by a car automatically a "goner," or does it depend on the circumstances? (Also recognizing that this doesn't really take suffering into account; I would guess it is hard to tell how much pain a snake is actually in, although, in my mind, if it is thrashing or coiling in one place I would assume it is suffering.)

I have had the good fortune not to run into this situation, but you just never know...

Oh, and P.S. I have taken barbiturates (prescribed!!) and I cannot imagine a more peaceful way to die. If the drug affects other creatures the way it affects me, I would say it is humane. Euphoria, then sleep...

09-11-09, 10:51 AM
It really depends on two things IMO. The first being circumstantial, it depends on the severity of the situation, how and where the snake has been injured.
The second being your own personal views and ethics. Do you personally think the creature will be able to survive on it's own? Would it be more humane to end it's suffering? Do you REALLY think it's suffering or just kind of assuming? It can be hard to tell with reptiles as they hide pain and illness well. I think it's a personal judgement call. I would NEVER, EVER hurt on kill an animal unless I was totally sure it was truly suffering.
It's a hard call to make and a very sensitive subject, again it depends on your ethical views I suppose.
I don't think there are many humane ways to euthaize and I am not going to suggest anything here. One thing I do want to point out is that contrary to much belief, freezing is incredibly inhumane. Before the reptile "falls asleep", the water in it's cells freeze which would cause a considerable amount of pain. Not a good way to go.

09-11-09, 10:57 AM
I wouldn't want to be frozen to death, so I wouldn't do it to anybody else, regardless of species!

09-11-09, 12:12 PM
Well the theory behind it was that since they are cold blooded they instantly "fall asleep" and then die. Clearly this is not the case.

09-11-09, 04:39 PM
Maybe this is a silly question... and please remember that I am a herp novice(and don't have any of my own!). How injured does a snake have to be before euthanizing is the best option? I know that some animals have an almost unbelievable ability to heal (sharks, for example) and am wondering about snakes. I would assume that if the tail were damaged, the snake could survive; if the head were badly injured, probably not; but what about in-between? Is a snake run over by a car automatically a "goner," or does it depend on the circumstances? (Also recognizing that this doesn't really take suffering into account; I would guess it is hard to tell how much pain a snake is actually in, although, in my mind, if it is thrashing or coiling in one place I would assume it is suffering.)

I have had the good fortune not to run into this situation, but you just never know...

Oh, and P.S. I have taken barbiturates (prescribed!!) and I cannot imagine a more peaceful way to die. If the drug affects other creatures the way it affects me, I would say it is humane. Euphoria, then sleep...

In this case, and entire foot of the four foot snakes midsection had been mangled. I literally was looking at intestine and lung tissue as I moved the animal off the road plus the fact that she was so far gone she made no attempt at all to bite, or even open her mouth when I positioned a hold behind her head. Off topic a bit, if my boa doesn't eat a prey item (usually a rat) I freeze it alive (the rat not the snake...) would that be considered less than humane?

09-13-09, 09:55 AM
Yes, it would be. Freezing would be a painful and torturous process. Most, if not all, legitimate rodent breeders use Co2 chambers to gas the animals.

09-21-09, 08:06 PM
Phoenix446, please let me clarify. I did not mean to imply any criticism of your actions or minimize the difficulty of the situation. Your question did make me think about what I might do in a similar situation, and the fact that I would be woefully unprepared to help prevent a snake's further suffering, or even be able to identify the degree of suffering. I appreciate your question and the resulting discussion; contemplating a situation is the first step in being prepared to deal with it.

09-27-09, 10:58 AM
I took no offense, just wanted to clarify the condition of the animal. :)