View Full Version : Bearded ?

12-25-02, 06:23 PM
What does everyone think can a beardie live alone or do they do best in pairs?

12-26-02, 09:18 AM
a bearded dragon can most definietly live alone with no problems what so ever. They are fairly social and i feel that they do "enjoy" the company of others, but it is not a necessity for a healthy dragon

12-26-02, 12:33 PM
Mine is all alone... and he doesn't mind it one bit! I am sure he would like a girlfriend though... Soon, as soon as I set up my 4.5x4.5x5 lxwxh feet giangantic cage for them... its nice, and I got it for free... Anyway, Lonely dragons seem to be fine, but if you don't have the money for twice the amount of crickets/veggies/mealworms/supplements, twice as uch for the initial purchase of the dragons, more for the size of the cage, etc. etc., one dragon is excellent... amazingly neat little guys.
Full of lazy/gluttenous and still hilarious personality... and they seem to like handleing (mine watches tv with me from my head, he climbs right up, and unless it is up, uses my mohawk as a little bed... hahaha). Get a bearded!
Dan Conner

12-27-02, 05:30 PM
I agree with Matt :)

12-28-02, 09:51 PM
I find keeping them alone is more of a mistake than anything. Although they do live healthy lives, keeping them in colonys allows you to view their natural behaviour. They really do do some neat stuff. Their hands dont stop moving, their heads bob like crazy. It's pretty neat when you keep multiples.

12-29-02, 07:27 AM
the only reason why i wanted to keep a single male was because in the "general care of beardies" book it say's if you keep a femaleor 2 females they may become egg-bound and if you keep 1 male and 1 female the female may become stressed and i realy am not interested in them breeding. I will have a 4x2x2 enclosure hmmm...

12-29-02, 10:09 AM
4x4x2 is fine for 2 if thats what you wanna keep...i dont think you have to worry about space.
i have also kept 1.1 and as long as you keep a close eye on the male (so he doesnt beat up the female too much) them its ok, but its importnat to keep a close eye out.

12-30-02, 09:10 AM
I keep mine together (1.1) and they do very well neather is domanate, and if I was to pick one that was I think it would be the female! but they never fight over food and eather one can grab a cricet right if frount of the other and they dont mind they are only 7 months only now and I hope that being sexualy mature doesent change anything :zi:

12-30-02, 11:00 PM
I keep 3.2 together and have absolutly no problems.
the males never fight, and the females are always happy.

I guess its the individuality of the animal.
I keep them in an 8x4x4.