View Full Version : Please Help

08-20-09, 08:43 PM
Hi I am new here and I was just wondering if anyone could help me I have always been a little afraid of snakes and today I was out in my yard and a snake about the width of a garden hose raced in front of me, it was brown with two brown stripes down its back. I walked about two more feet when 4 much smaller snakes with the same markings went in front of me. I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of snakes these were and if I sould worry about my kids playing outside.

08-21-09, 07:24 AM
Hey! If you cuold find or snap a picture of the snake if would definatley help in identification. Also, tell us where you are from so we can at least give you a list of native snakes:)
I'm from Cananda so I might not be the most helpful person for you but we have lots of other members who are familiar with native US snakes...maybe someone will be in your area :)