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Joel La Rocque
08-13-09, 04:38 PM
Please go to POOR SNAKES! (http://www.specializedvenoms.com) and get all of your friends to do the same. Please voice your honest opinion about the public events held in a handful of States known as "Rattlesnake Roundups". Be honest and maybe a few snakes might survive this holocaust in the name of fun!

08-13-09, 05:05 PM
There was one a few miles down the road from where my parents live- I think they still do it. Growing up, I never went, but didn't realize how brutal they were to the poor snakes. I will definitely add my comments to your site and give my support for ending these things.

08-13-09, 09:04 PM
I'll do the same...this really makes me angry

Joel La Rocque
08-14-09, 07:30 AM
Thank you one and all: I owe each person a lot for taking time to voice their feelings. If I can repay the favor, just ask! Joel