View Full Version : Ok, lets start What herp related presents did you get

12-25-02, 05:03 PM
Merry Xmas all,Ok,

What herp related presents did you recieve?

I'll go first,

1st., I got the approval from my wife to get a blackthroat monitor

2nd, (I usually do not count my chickens befor they hatch, however in this case I will)...I got the Blackthroat from Dom due for pick-up at the next show...If I can wait, untill then I will be gathering additional info. and setting up the enclosure.

Any info would be appreated, including enclosures ideas and such

All the best, Cheers

12-25-02, 05:11 PM
I am giving myself permission to buy a Savannah Monitor and a Pacman frog.>( when you live alone there is no one to say NO

12-25-02, 05:17 PM
I got a Raytec lazer temp gun, a female Bloodred Cornsnake (to go with Garnet, my male Bloodred )and a Quartz Crystal necklace with a snake wrapped around it. Very nice Christmas!

12-25-02, 05:22 PM
Hope H, you will love the lazer temp gun - we use ours all the time and it is the best investment ever, nice to be able to take spot temps and immediate response is great!!

We got our new digicam (actually a couple weeks early) and are shopping for a photo printer. Is really great to finally have a camera to record photos of the snakes.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a happy holiday,

Mary v.

beth wallbank
12-25-02, 06:20 PM
I got spoiled this year (as always, heehee).....
I finally got a great snake probing set (thanks Henry and Terri)
I also got (a few weeks earlier) 1.4 Ray Hines carrottails, 1.4 sandfire dragons from Sandfire Dragon Ranch, a cordless 9V Drill, many little nick nacks from my kids, cats, dogs, birds, snakes and even the crickets..LOL.....and I got DVD's, Croc Hunter, Minority Report, Reign of Fire, jeans, new shoes, puzzles, and more discs for my digital camera (which was another early Christmas present)
The family also adopted two cute little kittens, and are fostering an old timer drop off dog instead of her spending the remaining days of her deteriorating life in a dog pound all alone.
And the best was checking the incubator this morning, I had a crested gecko hatch out, cutest little thing!! I also had vipertailed and fattailed geckos lay eggs for me....
Well, off to dinner (not my turn to cook the family dinner WHOOHOOOOO!!!) and I hope you all had as great of a Christmas as we did!!
Lots of best wishes from Beth and family

12-25-02, 06:28 PM
Well, despite my 90% herp supply list, I got *1* brick of coconut substrate, and tons of non-herp stuff...

Them and Us
12-25-02, 07:39 PM
i got my 50 dollars home depot thing to help a bit on getting enclosure supplies. so thats sort of herp related. best present was my custom guitar strap stitcthed with my name. very cool.

12-25-02, 08:09 PM
My girlfriend gave me the 3 volume set of THE BIOLOGY, HUSBANDRY, AND HEALTH CARE OF REPTILES. I have been reading all day.

12-25-02, 08:37 PM
I only got a 10.00 gift cert, for the local pet store. By far the best gift!! Even if it was only 10 bucks it'll feed my frogs and geckos for a week or so!!

jason h
12-25-02, 09:10 PM
well i got my gift certificate for home depot as well as some black bloods (to pic up on the weekend)whoooohhhooooooo!!!!

12-25-02, 09:29 PM
I got a 1.1 pair of Ghost corns and a 1.0 Kenyan sand boa, thank you Henry for those. I also got a 0.1 Sandfire dragon from Sandfire dragon ranch, and a 1.0 Veiled Cham. via Santa(Beth Wallbank).

I think I was spoiled a bit this christmas!!!

P.S. Beth I want to watch Reign of Fire next time we are over there.

12-26-02, 12:10 AM
I got my moms permission to get a blood python, and i got The Encyclopedia of Snakes (EXCELLENT BOOK!!!)


12-26-02, 01:55 AM
We got a freezer for holding rats/mice, one of our mice dropped her babies (and didn't eat them either), Katey received a bar of soap with a rubber snake in it and I gave her "Keeping and Breeding Snakes" and a shirt with a Royal Python on it. We also received Rein of Fire and Katey bought me the pair of viperboas as an early christmas present.

12-26-02, 01:58 AM
I got an ultrasonic fogger. It's a really neat idea, but it tends to run dry so quicky. It shuts off, but I'd like it to be able to run for more then an hour!

12-26-02, 02:52 AM
Well I ended up getting a female borneo short tail python. She was wrapped up and a little cranky, I open the box totally surprised so have a snake fly out and attach itself to my hand LOL. Also got a digital camera so I can post a pic of the new girl...a few fountains for my beardies and frilleds and best of all our ball python eggs we have incubating are starting to hatch.


12-26-02, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Jamie
Well I ended up getting a female borneo short tail python. She was wrapped up and a little cranky, I open the box totally surprised so have a snake fly out and attach itself to my hand LOL. Also got a digital camera so I can post a pic of the new girl...a few fountains for my beardies and frilleds and best of all our ball python eggs we have incubating are starting to hatch.


you forgot to mention you got to join the bleeders club :)

Kyle Barker
12-26-02, 02:59 AM
I got a HP photosmart 720 cam, and a hp photosmart 7150 printer (my computer has no usb ports so i get to go to the library and beg them to let me upload pics :) ). Vanderkm: I strongly recomend that printer for herp pics. It is better than the pics that you get devoloped at the stores. Awsome colour!!


12-26-02, 09:05 AM
All I got was a frog beanie. Ahh well, there is always next year.

12-26-02, 09:23 AM
Hmm herp related eh...
Well on the 18th as an early Xmas persent I got 1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas, and then on Monday 23rd, my hubby [EricB] bought me 1.3 Sinaloan Milksnakes that are being flown in on Monday 30th!!

Tomorrow we're getting 1.2 breeder mice.. [got the gift cert from the petshop]

That's all herp stuff ;(

12-26-02, 11:11 AM
I got a digital camera, the Canon S40, which I am really stoked about since I have been wanting one for a years.

I also got an ultrasonic fogger, which will hopefully save me from having to build a misting system.

Oh, and best of all, I got the ok from my significant other to get a pair of leopard geckos to fill an empty 20 gal long tank we have just lying around.

Non-herp gifts would be a computer game (Icewind Dale 2), lots of wine and whiskey, cds, movie tickets, and bath stuff (I think they are hinting at something, lol). Oh, and the everpresent fruitcakes.

12-26-02, 02:59 PM
I got a 46 inch female iguana named Gizmo:
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=eyespy&album_id=119314&image_id=2&param=28927">

A baby male cornsnake named Yoshi:
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=eyespy&album_id=111429&image_id=8&param=34676">

and a Mexican black kingsnake named Raul:
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=eyespy&album_id=111429&image_id=9&param=56509">

I had to acquire these presents myself, with the help of money in cards, but that's okay by me! ;)

12-26-02, 03:33 PM
Well, I got a $25 gift cert. for the pet store, but I need a new hood for the fish tank. My son got one too, along with a gecko shirt. I did however, get "permission" for another snake, IF I CAN FIND ROOM for it. LOL I did get a drill and circular saw, so I guess it's time to start building shelves ;)

jason h
12-26-02, 10:43 PM
hey edwin i got lots of empty tanks if ya want to fill them for me!!!!lllol

Cold Blooded
12-27-02, 06:24 PM
I got a bearded dragon and a boaphile snake cage as early christmas presents. I got a $25 gift certificate to a local pet shop...which hopefully will go to this beautful boa i saw there last week. :)

12-27-02, 06:35 PM
I bought this purty little red boa from Matt the day before xmas as a present to myself since I know nobody I know will be buying me any reptile presents :D Just have to pick her up sometime. My sister got me a reptile-related one, a subscription to Reptiles mag :D

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/473normal-med.jpg">

12-27-02, 10:47 PM
i got nada herp related:(

but if you consider taking my bros aqurium and changing it into a terrarium then i got that

12-27-02, 10:56 PM
I got a locking screen lid and an UTH for hte tank I bought off Matt in Nov, and finally moved my BP Kahlan into her new home :D


12-27-02, 10:59 PM
that's an interesting tank setup kathy, specially the hideboxes

12-27-02, 11:03 PM
as long as the bp's happy thats all that matters oh and it must be safe

12-27-02, 11:32 PM
so linds, u still hate xmas?????? nice looking boa!

12-28-02, 08:33 AM
Hehehe... if I keep getting presents like this I may start to look forward to the holidays....LOL! :eek: and thanks for the kind words :)

12-28-02, 08:48 AM
My brothers girlfriend just gave me this really cute sterling silver gecko necklace yesterday that came in this little wooden treasure box with a gecko carved in it. When the box is opened, inside is carved:


-Letting go-

Not really sure what that's about but it's damn cool. Just thought I'd at that to my short list. ;)

12-28-02, 08:59 AM
hey alicewave that sounds like a pretty cool gift

12-29-02, 08:27 AM
I finally got a leopard gecko! Present from my bf :)

12-29-02, 05:48 PM
well.....i got 2 baby veiled chameleons for christmas :) nothing else herp related..the veileds were from my boyfriend ...since my parents dont wanna buy me anything to do with animals.

Nikki Gervais
12-30-02, 05:03 AM
For christmas I got 2 columbian boas who are absolute angels! I love em sooo much! :) Click here to see my new Columbian Boas! (http://www.geocities.com/i_love_reptiles/newcolumbianboas) I also got a wicked portable cd player (discman) that has a remote on the cord, it's so cool, don't have to pull the whole machine out to change songs or nothin! :D Also got various movies, cds and books. Other than the columbians, as for herp related stuff I got a crocodile print photo album set, really cute! ;) And besides my new columbians by far the best present was finally getting 5/6 of my newest babies (1.1 KSB, 2.2 corns) to eat on their own! :D Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!