View Full Version : Jaguar!

08-10-09, 11:53 PM
just got this girl last week and i have been scared of her ever since...




shes gorgeous but must think everything is food... i took her out with the hook the other day and let her crawl onto my hand where she explored for a bit before turning and latching onto my finger and coiling my hand. twice! anyways we'll see if she'll eventually calm down.

she is my first JCP so tips are appreciated!

thanks for looking!

08-11-09, 12:49 AM
I'm looking but cant see the pics for some reason;)

08-11-09, 09:03 AM
Yeah, I can't see the pics either. Julian you have me intrigued, you must post more pictures!

08-11-09, 09:34 AM
they worked last night and then disappeared. i thought it was just my computer. lets try this again...




08-11-09, 11:38 AM
All i have are 6 red X's now, and must admit I'm getting very curious...

08-11-09, 11:48 AM
I can't even see the X's. All I see is a big blank space. I simply must know....curiosity piqued.

08-11-09, 03:13 PM
Food response bites. Likely didn't see much interaction other than feeding.
Over time with proper meals & handling sessions it should settle down.
Pics likely an issue with the site they are hosted on? Mark

08-11-09, 04:11 PM



08-11-09, 04:15 PM
The links in the email notification work but no pics.
Are you using image tags ? Mark

08-12-09, 03:50 PM
ok guys i dont know why its not working but if youre still interested you can click on this link and see the pics there:

My New Jag! - Ball-Pythons.net Forums (http://ball-pythons.net/forums/showthread.php?t=99054)

08-12-09, 04:46 PM
Well now that ive seen it ican say sweet looking snake!!!

08-13-09, 07:43 AM
Wow, she is gorgeous! Such beautiful creamy yellow base color. You are a lucky guy!

08-13-09, 02:17 PM
I agree with Kimberly--she is a beauty, Julian! Mark's probably got it right with the "food response bites" and lack of interaction. My thoughts--and you surely already know how to do this, but for anyone new wondering the same thing--begin by giving her two-three days after feeding & slowly move your hand over her back, just gently touching her but not picking her up. At feeding time, don't try to touch her, but a few days after a meal, touch, and gradually increase the touching to picking her up--after she's gotten the idea that you're not her food! ;) Patient retraining is the key.

Good luck!

08-13-09, 03:41 PM
Once they get into the "teenage" stage after the first year they tend to try & eat you moer often or so I have found with ones I have ahd since hatchling to yearlings.
Its different if you only have 1 or a few & interact lots but if you have dozens they tend to think warm flesh means prey once they calm down while handling LOL
"hey this isn't a tree! Maybe its food? I'll give it a try!" LOL Mark

08-13-09, 05:16 PM
lol. Yeah I have a few yearling coastals and they are nasty little buggers. I also have a yearling jungle/jag sib I got from Mike Curtin who is tame as could be. He is also more than twice the size of the coastals- I think they were being underfed. My desert kingsnake has just up and decided he likes the taste of my flesh. He's been docile for months, then about two weeks ago he started to bite me every time I handled him, and not when I'd pick him up- he'd slither around in my hands and work his way up my arm and nip my bicep or elbow, lightly but enough to startle me and pinch and draw blood. Even if I'm not moving, just standing still and letting him freely move, he will still nip me. He doesn't do it to my fiance either, just me...don't know what the little bugger's issue is.

08-13-09, 08:53 PM
Oh Julian she's lovely :) Haha you really got my curiosity going with the lack of photos...you should do that for sales hahahaha.


01-06-10, 06:19 PM
very nice jag mate.carpets tend to lash out when nervous so avoid sudden movements and handle him for maybe 5 minutes every day (when not digesting food)gradually building up the time handled to 15 minutes per day.handling a nervous snake for too long stresses them out and might make them worse.i allow my carpets 3 days to properly digest the're food so maximum of 4 days a week handling.in most cases they tame down fine once they realise your not going to eat them.in saying that there are exceptions that remain bitey right into adult hood.best of luck with it mate/
cheers shaun