View Full Version : Butter vs. Butter Motley?

08-08-09, 10:24 PM
I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but could someone help me out in understanding the difference here...What is the difference between a regular butter corn and a butter motley corn? I've read explanations, but if someone could provide me with a few photographic examples of each, I would really appreciate it! I'm very visual, so it's hard for me to understand the difference in words...

08-09-09, 04:01 PM
I will put pictures up, as well as listing there morphs. Butter is a mix of caramel and amel. Butter motley is caramel,amel,motley

Butter(not mine)

Butter motley(mine)

08-10-09, 02:17 PM
The Butter Motley pictured is not actually a Motley but rather a Motley Stripe a combo of both pattern morphs. The enlongated "saddles" or broken stripes are a dead giveaway there ;)
Motley is a genetic pattern mutation as is striped.
Both are similar & can be combined together as well. Motley & striped snakes do not have the typical "checkered" corn patterns on their bellies as "regular" patterned corns do.
Stripes are very easy to tell of course but many normal patterned snakes appear somewhat Motley in appearence. The lack of pattern on the bellies is what determines it for sure.
Both Motley & stripes are recessive genes as well, Mark

08-10-09, 02:19 PM
A Butter Motley pic, Mark


08-10-09, 02:21 PM
Thank you! I've also found some other pictures since posting this :) Thank you very much for your help.

08-10-09, 08:25 PM
I've in fact wondered since buying her if she was a motley/stripe but never claim it as she was sold as a motley only! I will of course breed her to a stripe and see what results i get...

08-11-09, 12:06 AM
I'm hoping to get a butter stripe soon, but they're a bit out of my price range...I hope I can find one that's affordable :) I already have an enclosure set up and everything. Now comes the task of actually finding the right snake! I hope you get some cute little stripey babies, Coy ;)

08-11-09, 01:45 PM
I've in fact wondered since buying her if she was a motley/stripe but never claim it as she was sold as a motley only! I will of course breed her to a stripe and see what results i get...

Its blantantly obvious as Motley's do not have large striped areas on them ;) Mark

08-11-09, 07:50 PM
Well at least it should be obvious;)...... This thread as helped me to find out I was wrong on another my morphs bought with her what was claimed as a silver queen was actually a ultramel/anery instead....