View Full Version : leopard gecko wont eat! :(

08-04-09, 01:05 PM
so ive had her for going on 2 weeks and i cant get her to eat... ive tried crickets, and i JUST tried to give her a meal worm and she wont take it... i set them in her cage, hoping when i go away she will eat. i know she is drinking bc i seen her pee yesterday lol. please help out guys.

08-04-09, 06:06 PM
I'm not sure how long geckos can go without eating, but I know with most reptiles it is not uncommon for them to go off food for a few weeks upon first arriving in a new place. I personally would not be too worried yet as long as the animal is not losing weight and seems active, but I'm not a leo expert. I have two, have had them for 4 years, but they always eat like horses and I've never had any issues with them.

08-07-09, 01:36 PM
thanks, mine finally ate a few crickets last night, made me feel alot better, i was told they need to eat every day like humans.. but i dont know about that..

08-16-09, 05:38 PM
Hi there,
Woot! I'm so glad your gecko ate.
Just a little something i learned a few months back when i got my first gecko:
when feeding them the fruit smoothie, if it's just in a dish sometimes they eat so little that you don't see it but they are actually eating. to help though you could always put some smoothie on a spoon near your geckos nose and reduce handling.
Best wishes

08-16-09, 09:33 PM
Leopard gecko's don't need to eat the fruit smoothie, they are insectivores. ;) Just pointing it out for those who don't know.

08-16-09, 11:20 PM
Ohhh ahah thanks. I have a crestie.

12-10-09, 03:25 PM
If you have only had her a couple weeks dont worry like any lizard they can go through relocation stress and they dont always eat right away, try to not handle her to much during the 1st month as well it helps them adjust abit easier. If your worried about her getting nutrients you can add a few drops of liquid calcium and vitamins to her water as well. I have a rescue at the moment I do that with along with the dusting on the crickets.
when they get over a year they wont eat as much my adults eat 10-15 crickets/mealworms every other day where as my juvys eat 10 a day at least so age has a factor in it as well as if you have a female who is gravid they tend to loose there appetite too. The only time you really have to worry is if you notice weight loss.