View Full Version : Meet Jinx

07-30-09, 03:14 PM
Hi guys! This is my one year old ball python, Jinx. I got him in January and these pictures are from shortly after he came home with me.


I just love his belly. Sooo cute! Looking back at these pictures from when I first got him, he is getting so big now! I'll have to take new pictures soon.

07-31-09, 12:49 AM
He's a nice-looking snake, Jinx! and he looks healthy, which is good. Welcome!

07-31-09, 12:56 AM
Thank you very much, Chu'Wuti!

Tiger Lilly
07-31-09, 02:18 AM
I just love to see a healthy bp--And they're so adorable!

07-31-09, 11:04 AM
Thank you, guys! I'm fairly new to snake ownership, so...Could you tell me what aspects about him tell you that he is healthy? :)

07-31-09, 12:12 PM
His eyes look very bright and alert, his skin looks great, overall he's looking good! what a cutie :)

07-31-09, 12:39 PM
Thanks, siz! :)

08-02-09, 04:05 PM
he looks really nice. you will be able to tell how healthy they look after taking care of em for just a little while. because he looks so good you will notice the difference when u see a snake thats not quite as healthy.

08-04-09, 06:36 PM
Signs of a healthy snake include, but are not limited to, clean skin with no left-over shed bits hanging on, a bit of iridescent sheen when viewed under sunlight or direct room lighting, especially full-spectrum, clean nostrils with no discharge or dried mucus, clean heat-sensing (labial) pits, bright clear eyes (when a snake is too dry, often the eye cap wrinkles like a dried out contact lens), clean cloca (anal vent), alertness, clean under throat-no mites (look like little, teardrop shaped poppyseeds), no ticks. No sneezing, no wheezing, no open-mouthed breathing. He is a cutie- I love ball pythons, especially juvenile ones. I got my first BP when he was 2 years old and he is still adorable, even at 4 feet and 3 inches thick. I just got a 3-month old yellowbelly male, and he is just precious! I love how when they're young the head looks too big for the neck. Best of luck with him!!